🔭 I’m a self-taught FullStack Engineer, currently studying as an Electrical Engineer. So technically speaking, I'm a full-stack full-stack engineer, who knows how to design transistors on silicon wafers up to training and deploying AI models lol.
🧠 I'm working at a Hungarian startup called Mindrove on Brain-Computer Interface. We have served large institutions in the world including MIT Media Lab and Havard Innovation Lab.
🧑💻 I previously worked at Ericsson as an Innovation Engineer and for Intel as a guest developer for their Intel CoFluent + Intel IPU.
🥶 I'm proficient in a range of technology from Cloud (certified as an AWS Develop Associate) to Network (CCNA and 4G/5G Networking) to Digital IC design and web applications.
🌱 I’m currently learning to entertain myself in boring times.
📝 I regularly write articles on my technical blog
💬 Ask me about anything in this world that I can find on Google.
📫 Feel free to reach me out binhpham@binhph.am