- Requires you to have php, composer, yarn, docker and symfony cli locally installed
- Clone Repo
git clone git@github.com:phpughb/phpughb-website.git
- Install PHP dependencies
composer install
- Build Frontend
yarn install
yarn encore dev
- Start containers (mysql: 3306, mailhog-smtp: 1025, malhog-webui: 8025)
docker-compose up -d
- Setup database
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:schema:create
- Start local web server
symfony serve
If you want to have some sample data on the database, execute
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Beware, it will purge your existing database!
- Requires you to have deployer locally installed
- Requires you to have access for the phpughb user on our production server
- Checkout master
git checkout origin/master
- Run PHP CS
- Run Tests
- Start deployment
dep deploy production
- Check files
composer cs-check
- Fix files
composer cs-fix
- Unit Test
bin/phpunit --testsuite=Unit --testdox
- Functional Test
bin/phpunit --testsuite=Functional --testdox