I'm pompompurin-f, aka fanny (my wife gave me that name and I love it as much as I love her, Karla my beloved). I might bea chinchilla or somethinkg liek ethat
I'm ruining my life by studying pedagogy, I like computers, OS's, and that kind of stuff; languages, you know,
Guess what else tickles my fancy? Computers, operating systems yk that kinda stuff. I'm basically a walking IT department from india, just without the pay and the fancy title.
did I mention languages? i got a bit of a linguistic obsession. Learning new languages and finding creative ways to confuse people is my jam. , and I also have ADHD. So, you can imagine the mental acrobatics happening in my brain. i'mm a mess.
updates? 💰💰💰💰 required ((no work for monei but i lack consistensy) why'd you want 3 use any of my stuff?)
Remember I have ADHD but can't afford treatment???? so don't expect me to update anythi ng unless you gimme da shekels >:3
hi im bianca estefi (estefierrote kajskdsj nosierto soy estefanía)