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Releases: poppa/sveltekit-svg

v5.0.1 - README updates

20 Mar 06:00
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No code changes

Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1

v5.0.0 - Default support for Svelte 5

21 Nov 18:42
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This plugin is now officially, and primarily, for Svelte 5

What's Changed

  • Update decalaration files to use new Component type by @AngelRionCervi in #58
  • SvelteComponent not needed as causing issues passing props by @sansjack in #60

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.2.1...v5.0.0

v4.2.1 - Fixed missing dependency

14 Jan 08:35
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@rollup/pluginutils needs to be a dependency. This should fix #54

v4.2.0 - Optimize SVGs imported as URLs

08 Jan 07:08
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SVGs imported as URLs (import svgUrl from ./some.svg?url) will now be SVGO optimized before written to disk on production builds.

NOTE: SVGs imported as URLs will not be optimized in dev mode.

This should fix #52

v4.1.2 - Return the full JS result from compile

31 Aug 10:54
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This will include the map property as well.

This should fix #48.

v4.1.1 - Set Svelte compiler css option to 'none'

31 Aug 06:36
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The css option to Svelte compile() has changed and setting it to a boolean value has been deprecated.

This gave the compilerOptions.css as a boolean is deprecated. Use 'external' instead of false. warning.

Since we're disregarding the css field in the generated result, we can set this option to none and skip all CSS stuff altogether.

v4.1.0 - Added the `preCompileHook` option

07 Aug 05:09
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This is a function that lets the consumer transform the SVG into a Svelte component before being passed to the Svelte compiler.

v4.0.1 - Render the contents of the `<svg>` tag using `{@html}` in the component mode

03 Aug 05:05
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This is to prevent Svelte having to parse the entire SVG.

Thanks @aradalvand for the code.

This solves #39

v4.0.0 - Support Svelte 4

23 Jun 07:46
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This release supports Svelte 4

v3.0.1 - Maintenance release

20 May 08:17
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This is a maintenance release with no code changes

  • Updated all NPM packages
  • Renamed app.d.ts to svg.d.ts since Svelte doesn't like these typings in
    app.d.ts (see issue 25)
  • Also copy svg.d.ts to dist/ on build.
  • Some fixes to the README file
  • Thanks to @joakimnordling for PR #35