❤️ YL is.. obssessed with DESIGNING. I pay attention to Structure, Pattern, and Modularity in my works.
🔭 YL is.. currently working on Web App Development
🌱 YL is.. currently learning Computer Networking - CCNA and Distributed System Design
⚡ Fun fact: "piyo" comes from an anime character, a cute little bird who in emergency will evolve into a phoenix to protect its friends.
✨ Hope you will enjoy my software one day 😁
- Pill Buddy (Typescript, DAIN)
Leazy AI Chatbot (React)
Leazy AI CRM App (React)
Portfolio Website Built with React and Tailwind (React, Tailwind)
Yelp Business Search Angular Version (Angular)
Yelp Business Search Javascript Verson (Javascript)
Yelp Review iOS App (SwiftUI)
PATROL Android App (Kotlin)
- Weenix (C)
- Socket Programming (C, C++)
Interactive Media Player (Python)
Vector Quantization Compression (Python)
MamaChick (C#)
Cards of Heart (C#)
Mine Sweeper (Java)
- Steam Turbine Flow Path Design (PASCAL)
File Downloader (Python)
Box Office Analyzer (Python)