- eMH1 11kW ( old version) --> Power calculation with internal current values
- eMH1 11kW ( > Q2-2021 no internal current sensor) --> 'virtual' Power calculation
- eMH1 22kW --> Power calculation with internal current values
- eMH2 22kW (StandAlone Modus) --> Power calculation with internal current values
- INDEX-Page: display wallbox-status and actual parameter (I-max, kw-charge, kW/h, charging-time)
- SET-Current: "Quick-set" predefined Ipwm values to ABL-Box
- CONFIG-DATA: set and store parameter and WiFi-credentials and the the "Quick-Set" charge-current
- EVENT-LOG: Serial debug logging
- UPDATE: over-the-air (Wifi) Software update
- HISTORY: Set and Store total kW/h sum in internal FLASH
- INFO: Version, Build, Temp(ESP-intern), IP, Timeout, Charge-Cnt, RSSI
Monitor and control your ABL-Wallbox with an WEB-Application and integrate it (optional) in your homeautomation software with simple REST-Interface (see example for DOMOTICZ below) for less than 10€.
For (new) ABL-Boxes without internal per phase current sensor, the current could "pre-measured" external and defined in the APP-configuration per Imax setting. So it is possible to have a "poor man's" power and consumption measurement. If you charge every time the same car, the typical power for a defined Ipwm is near to the real measurement with a current-sensor, but with current sensor there is also an error, because the voltage 'U' for power calulation (P=U*(I1+I2+I2) is not measured.
I get the power from my "offical" smartmeter and set them into the config-file.
If the Box has a current-sensor it was automatic detected and the value is calculated based on the current sum of the 3-phases...For future versions it would be possible to expand the software to get the power or current over the WEB-API from an external meter.
The user interface was designed very simply to enable manual switching between two charging currents (possible application: ABL-Wallbox-kWh Gesamt ABL-Wallbox-kWh Gesamtreduced charging current for operation with a PV system). The two values could be individual defined in the 'config-data' page (for external setting use the WEB-API)
With the WEB-API the state and consumption values of the Wallbox could be monitored and charge-current could be set from 6A up to 16A in external applications like homeautomation software.
<Imax [A]>,<aktual Power [kW]>,<Status>,<aktual Work [kW/h]>,<Sum Work [W/h]>,<charge-time>
(xx= 6,8,10,12,14,16)
...see above 'WEB-API' for other external integration (e.g. other homeautomation software)
add to configuration.yaml:
scan_interval: 20
- name: "ABL-Wallbox Imax"
unique_id : "sensor_abl_imax"
icon: "mdi:ev-station"
value_template: '{{value.split(",")[0]}}'
unit_of_measurement: "A"
device_class: current
- name: "ABL-Wallbox kw"
unique_id : "sensor_abl_kw"
icon: "mdi:ev-station"
value_template: '{{value.split(",")[1]}}'
unit_of_measurement: "kW"
device_class: power
- name: "ABL-Wallbox-Status"
unique_id : "sensor_abl_status"
icon: "mdi:ev-station"
value_template: '{{value.split(",")[2]}}'
- name: "ABL-Wallbox-kWh akt."
unique_id : "sensor_abl_kwhakt"
icon: "mdi:ev-station"
value_template: '{{float(value.split(",")[3])/1000}}'
unit_of_measurement: kWh
device_class: energy
- name: "ABL-Wallbox-kWh Gesamt"
unique_id : "sensor_abl_kwhsum"
icon: "mdi:ev-station"
value_template: '{{float(value.split(",")[4])/1000}}'
unit_of_measurement: kWh
device_class: energy
state_class: total
url: ""
method: GET
url: ""
method: GET
...see above 'WEB-API' for other external integration (e.g. other homeautomation software)
LUA polling script for Domoticz (ablpoller.lua)
-- Polling of ABL-Web-App
-- This function split a string according to a defined separator
-- Entries are returned into an associative array with key values 1,2,3,4,5,6...
local function split(str, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = "%s"
local t={} ; i=1
local regex = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
for str in str:gmatch(regex) do
t[i] = str
i = i + 1
return t
-- Retrieve the request content
s = request['content'];
-- Split the content into an array of values
local values = split(s, ",");
-- Update devices
-- ACHTUNG: Index beginnt in LUA mit 1
-- xx mit aktueller IDX anpassen
-- vv
domoticz_updateDevice(63,'',values[1]) -- Imax
domoticz_updateDevice(65,'',tonumber(values[2])*1000) -- Watt !!
domoticz_updateDevice(62,'ABL-Status',values[3]) -- Status-String
domoticz_updateDevice(66,'',values[4]) -- kW/h
domoticz_updateDevice(67,'',values[5]) -- W/h SUM
This example is realised with an 'ESP32-S2 mini' board and an 'MAX485 TTL to RS485' Converter. The Olimex ESP32-POE has integrated Ethernet, supports Power over Ethernet and has a 5V/GND output for powering the "MAX485 TTL to RS485" Converter. You need to build the ESP firmware by yourself with platformIO. Have a look at the platformio.ini and adjust as you need it. Additionally, have a look a the GPIO PINs as specified here: https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP32/ESP32-POE/resources/ESP32-POE-GPIO.png ...but any other ESP-Board could be used with small modifications in the code and platformio.ini.
(board is cut to fit in a DIN hat rail case)
my shared investigations and notes: my-doc
...others sources https://github.com/ThKls/Wallbox-Test
connect RS485 to Pin1 (=A) and Pin2 (=B) of left RJ45-Connector in Wallbox
the termination Jumper may be optional (worked for me with and without)
...more infos:
Licensed under the European Union Public License (EUPL)-1.2-or-later
Why licensed under EUPL-1.2: it is compatible to GPL and compatible to EU-rights and regulations
- To download click the DOWNLOAD ZIP button, rename the uncompressed folder 'ESP32_ABL' ...or clone it with git
Projekt was build and testet with PlatformIO.
Take care to upload the 'data' folder to the SPIFFS filesystem see: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-vs-code-platformio-spiffs/
With the following two command you can create and upload the SPIFFS image:
pio run --target buildfs
pio run --target uploadfs
If you do not want to compile the program from source:
for the ESP32-S2 mini board I supply the actual firmware-version
got to subfolder
put ESP32-S2 board to flash-mode:
disconnect USB then press and hold "0"-button
reconnect USB hold "0"-button
then release "0"-button --> now the board is in program-mode
(for Linux) orflash.bat
(for Windows) (needs 'esptool.py') --> ask google -
after flashing reset or disconnect USB
search WIFI connetions for "ABLWALLBOX"
connect (without password)
start your webbrowser at "" (this is the startpage for the APP) to connect to your home-route navigate to "Setup" --> "Config-Data" and change:
V1.0 initial version, first test with real charging car (VW ID.3)
V1.1 ABL-Box without internal current-sensor: calculate power and consumption from premeasured config-values.
V 1.2 index-page redesign, fixes for kW/h-calculation, fetch kW/h sum, Info-page, display chargetime, bugfixes.
V1.2.2 Bugfix for 'virtual kW/h-calculation' and Modbus timeouts
- MQTT-client
- get actual Power [kW] and Work [kW/h] from external meter
- get actual current from current sensor and calulate Power and Work
- store more history data (last charging data)
- get history-time from ntp (could work only in 'STA' network mode)