Use RJCalendar to select dates in your app . You can easiy integrate this code in your swift iOS based application .
To run the RJCalendar project, clone the repo, and run the project.
Manually -> Copy the folder named "Source" and paste to your codes target directory.

Step 1 : Integrate the files to your project.
Step 2 : Add custom view as XIB or in UIViewController or in TableView/CollectionView Cells Content View , then add custom class to view as "RJCalendarView" in storyboard and UI part.
Step 3 : Create an outlet for this view in your assosiated file.
like this
@IBOutlet weak var calendarView: RJCalendarView!
Step 4 : You can setup the colors for selected or unselected items from the code as well from Attribute Inspector.
calendarView.selectedDayColor = .systemGray6
calendarView.normalDayColor = .clear
calendarView.dayTextColor = .black
calendarView.weekDayTextColor = .gray
calendarView.dotColor = .red
calendarView.selectedDayTextColor = .blue
Step 5: Custom enumuration property allow you to show the custom dates in calendar as per your requirement.
calendarView.dateRange = .threeMonths
calendarView.dateRange = .sixMonths
calendarView.dateRange = .oneYear
let currentDate = Date() , futureDate = Date()
calendarView.dateRange = .custom(startDate: currentDate, endDate: futureDate)
Step 6 : It allow you to get a selected date with onDateSelected clouser method, Where you can easily format you date as per your requirement(dd/MM/yyyy).
calendarView.onDateSelected = {
date in
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone.current
debugPrint("Date",formatter.string(from: date))
- Xcode 14 to onwards
- iOS 15,*
- iPad OS 15,*
- Swift 5.0
raman43mann, , Linkedin :
RJCalendar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.