Demo - Click ALT+R a few times to enter the hidden registration page.
- NuxtJS scaffolding (Vue + vue-router + Vuex)
- ElementUI-based web interface
- Express backend, with auth-gated routes, (optional) auto TLS certificate generation, and a lightweight database provided by NeDB.
- Uncompressed video hosting, resulting in fast uploads and minuscule processing times
- 'Bufferless' upload process - files larger than available RAM can be uploaded
- Link-based video sharing, no public video searching and/or display
- Anonymous likes/dislikes
- Admin tools:
- Space management
- User stats
- Content management:
- Cumulative video list
- Video deletion
- User warnings/bans for inappropriate uploads
- User dashboard:
- Statistics
- Video list w/ video renaming, removal and link regeneration
- Code entry dialog, used for space expansion/priviledge elevation
# clone the repo
$ git clone
# instal dependencies and trigger setup (you must have an interactive shell)
$ yarn # or npm install
# perform setup (you must have an interactive shell)
$ yarn setup # or npm run setup
# run the system in devmode
$ yarn dev # or npm run dev
# ...
# build the client
$ yarn build # or npm run build
# run the system in production mode
$ yarn start # or npm run start
- The application can now be accessed at port you configured.
- The first registered user will be set as admin.
- You can create codes via
yarn codes
that upgrade other users to admins, - Or you can adjust their userStatus directly in the database file.
- You can create codes via
- The registration page is accessible by pressing Alt+R in the landing/login page or by going to the /regg route(
config.json file must be in the root directory with the following contents:
The config generator gets automatically launched after the initial installation. Be sure to fill everything in correctly! It can be rerun with
yarn setup
- video storage path, must also be served as static content, relative to the root dirhost
- set up the domain you want your website to be accessible through. HTTP/HTTPS will be automatically added according to theselfHosted
- the total amount of space you are willing to dedicate for the website. It will not allow any more registrations when the amount of reserved user space exceedsproductionLogging
- either "all", "error" or "none" - sets production-time logging severityport
- custom port for when auto TLS generation is disabled.selfHosted
- sets mode of operation:- true - takes over ports 80 and 443, automatically generates TLS certs, must run as root.
- false - runs on port defined in config, http only. Use when a routing system is setup(Apache, etc.), or for testing.
- Let's Encrypt optionsmail
- gmail account credentials, used for password resetsdbPath
- database path, relative to root dir. No need to change the default value.infiniteSessions
- whether user sessions should persist forever ar have a 24h lifespan.
- ConfigExample.json is in the root dir with demo settings set. If needed, use it as guidance while filling out
yarn setup
- Development:
yarn dev
runs the server in devmode
- Production:
yarn build
builds the server for productionyarn start
starts the built server
- Setup and maintenance:
yarn setup
oryarn config
- starts the config generation sequence. Runs automatically after yarn install.yarn codes
opens the code manipulation console interface (upgrade and registration codes: space upgrades, admin status codes)yarn care
oryarn maintenance
- opens the maintenance console interface. Used for manually runnign tasks that check the integrity and health of the platform, as well as other operations, such as a complete wipe. Config.json must be present in order for these commands to work.
- The server will most likely need to be ran as root, so it can take control of 80/443 ports
- This may in turn generate databases, temporary files and certs that have root ownership:
- Shouldn't be a problem if the TLS mode isn't changed
- System wipe will also need to be ran as root. When it's finished, normal non-root operation without auto TLS generation can be reinstated (after reconfiguring config.json via
yarn setup
Google requires "Less secure app access" to be enabled for you to be able to use a basic login (email,password) in order to send out password reset tokens. You can enable it by going to your Google account settings, and by enabling "Less secure app access".
You can also use OAuth, but that requires additional setup within Google's Developer console, and some manual reconfiguration in the transport setup. More information can be found in the nodemailer docs.
Submit bugs and requests through the project's issue tracker.
Contributions are welcome! Submit a merge request to my GitLab.
On launch:
- All unconfirmed videos (stored videos w/o confirmation & naming from the user) are removed.
- All videos & thumbnails without entries in the database are purged.
- User remaining space ir recalculated, in order to avoid issues caused by malformed uploads and/or client crashes.
- Videos without a thumbnail get their thumbnails regenerated.
- Total space is checked with current space. A Warning will be displayed on build if the storagePath is exceeded (the system will still function, but uploads will no longer be accepted).