- Neovim Wrapper for ❤️ browser-sync
- http/css LSP.
- Hurl/curl web API testing
- npm/yarn/pnpm/npx/node wrapper
- View your html/css files with a live web server locally
- HTML & CSS tag rename, repeat rename action
- Test your web API with Hurl/curl
- Run npm/yarn/pnpm/npx/node command and automatically open browser for preview in neovim
- require
- neovim 0.9+
- browser-sync
- optional: lspconfig & vscode-langservers-extracted
npm install -g browser-sync
or within neovim run :Npm install -g browser-sync
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
or within neovim run :Npm install -g vscode-langservers-extracted
Not required, but recommended
- guihua.lua for floating window
- prettier for html/css format
- jq for json format
- Treesitter for json5 better json support
Plug 'ray-x/web-tools.nvim'
keymaps = {
rename = nil, -- by default use same setup of lspconfig
repeat_rename = '.', -- . to repeat
hurl = { -- hurl default
show_headers = false, -- do not show http headers
floating = false, -- use floating windows (need guihua.lua)
json5 = false, -- use json5 parser require json5 treesitter
formatters = { -- format the result by filetype
json = { 'jq' },
html = { 'prettier', '--parser', 'html' },
command | Description |
BrowserSync {args} | run browser-sync server with args |
BrowserOpen {args} | open browser-sync, if browser-sync is not start, start it with args |
BrowserPreview {-f --port 3000} | preview current file with browser sync |
BrowserRestart | restart browser sync |
BrowserStop | stop browser sync |
TagRename {newname} | rename html tag |
HurlRun {args} | Run Hurl, when in Visual mode, run selected snippets |
Npm {args} | Run npm, e.g. npm -i package-name |
Yarn {args} | Run yarn, e.g. yarn add package-name |
Pnpm {args} | Run pnpm, e.g. pnpm add package-name |
Npx {args} | Run npx, e.g. npx add package-name |
Node {args} | Run node, e.g. node script.js |
JobStop {jobid} | Stop job by jobid, stop last unfinished job if jobid is nil |
{args} can be optional, if not provided, check command help, e.g. browser-sync for all args options --port: specify port to open, if BrowserPreview port is different from BrowserSync port, open without check browser-sync server