This project is a utility for filtering and visualizing DXF files, specifically designed to work with Clo3D output files. It removes unnecessary elements (e.g., baselines, text) and retains only the cutting lines, simplifying the DXF file for further use.
- Filter DXF Files: Eliminates baselines, text, and other non-essential elements, leaving only the cutting lines.
- Visualize DXF Files: Displays the filtered DXF file in a canvas for easy inspection.
- Save Filtered Files: Exports the filtered DXF file with a single polyline for each pattern block.
npm install
Place your Clo3D output DXF files in the _dxf/ folder.
npm start
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
- Select a DXF file from the sidebar.
- The application will filter out baselines, text, and other non-essential elements, leaving only the cutting lines.
- Click the Save Filtered DXF button.
- The file system's save dialog will open, allowing you to name and save the filtered DXF file.
- │── _dxf/ ---Folder for input DXF files
- │── public/ ---Frontend files (HTML, CSS, JS)
- │ ├── index.html
- │ ├── styles.css
- │ └── script.js
- │── index.js ---Backend server
- │── package.json ---Project dependencies
- │── ---Project documentation
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- npm (v6 or higher)
git clone
cd your-repo-name
npm install
- After filtering a DXF file, click the Save Filtered DXF button.
- The file system's save dialog will open, allowing you to name and save the filtered DXF file.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
- Commit your changes.
- Submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Special thanks to the creators of dxf-parser and dxf-writer for their libraries.
- Inspired by the need to simplify Clo3D output DXF files for cutting patterns.
For questions or feedback, please open an issue on GitHub or contact rbuttress at