The RECON deployer project focusses on distributing an R environment for outbreak response on a thumb drive. This environment should provide:
the latest stable version of R for Windows and MacOSX
the corresponding version of Rtools
the latest stable version of Rstudio for Windows and MacOSX
a large selection of relevant R packages hosted on CRAN
all RECON packages hosted on github (sources)
some other packages hosted on github, required by the above
scripts to permit seemless installation of the local CRAN and github packages
You can find versioned releases of deployers at that detail how the deployer was built and how to download/decompress it. If you want to build one from scratch, see Building a new deployer
The RECON deployer is meant to be copied on a USB stick, although strictly
speaking it is medium-agnostic. To use the deployer, go to the folder where it
is stored, open the file called README.html
, and follow the instructions
provided there.
To build/generate a new deployer, you can use the R script generate_deployer.R
cd ..
Rscript reconhub--deployer/generate_deployer.R
The RECON Deployer is an application of nomad
, a R package for creating
portable R environments. This script will do the following:
- attempt to upgrade provisioner and nomad
- generate the deployer
- split the deployer into 4 compressed files with md5sums that can be uploaded to github for release
The files you end up with are:
File name | Description |
<name>/ |
Source Directory for the deployer |
<name>_md5sums.txt |
summary of the above files |
<name> |
release page to be placed on github |
<name>_base.tar |
source packages, cheat sheets, and instructions |
<name>_extra.tar |
binaries for R, git, Rtools, and RStudio |
<name>_macosx.tar |
binary packages built for macos |
<name>_windows.tar |
binary packages built for windows |
Note: These will likely be over 1GB each, so make sure you have a strong internet connection when uploading these to github.
Once downloaded from the github release page, the users can decompress the files via R:
The RECON Deployer is an application of nomad
, a R package for creating
portable R environments. You first need to install this package, which also depends on provisionr
remotes::install_github("mrc-ide/provisionr", upgrade = FALSE)
remotes::install_github("reconhub/nomad", upgrade = FALSE)
To create a deployer in a given directory named deployer_[date]
, type:
out_dir <- paste("deployer", gsub("-", "_", Sys.Date()), sep = "_")
nomad::build("reconhub/deployer", out_dir)
If you need to add or update an R package, you can use the add_packages.R
script with the names of the CRAN packages to use.
Rscript add_packages.R officer kableExtra
If you have non-cran packages, then be sure to add the github repositories to