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Redpanda AWS BYOVPC Terraform Module

This Terraform module provisions the necessary AWS infrastructure for a Redpanda customer-managed VPC cluster. It configures IAM roles, security groups, VPC components, and storage resources required for deploying Redpanda in a customer's AWS environment.

Module Overview

This module deploys several core components:

  1. IAM Configuration: Creates IAM roles, policies, and instance profiles for various Redpanda components
  2. Network Infrastructure: Provisions VPC, subnets, route tables, and NAT gateways
  3. Security Groups: Sets up security groups with appropriate ingress/egress rules
  4. Storage Resources: Creates S3 buckets for cloud storage and management, and DynamoDB table for state locking


module "redpanda_byoc" {
  source = "path/to/module"

  region             = "us-east-1"
  aws_account_id     = "123456789012" # Optional if already authenticated
  common_prefix      = "redpanda"
  # VPC Configuration
  vpc_id              = "" # Leave empty to create a new VPC
  vpc_cidr_block      = ""
  # Subnet Configuration
  private_subnet_cidrs = [
  public_subnet_cidrs = []
  zones               = ["use1-az1", "use1-az2", "use1-az3"]
  # Tags and Conditions
  condition_tags      = {
    "redpanda-managed" = "true"
  default_tags        = {
    "Environment" = "production"
  ignore_tags         = ["AutoTag", "CreatedBy"]
  # Additional Configuration
  enable_private_link          = false
  create_rpk_user              = false
  force_destroy_cloud_storage  = false


Name Version
terraform >= 1.8.5
aws Latest

Provider Configuration

This module requires the AWS provider to be configured:

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region
  ignore_tags {
    keys = var.ignore_tags


Name Description Type Default Required
region The AWS region to deploy resources into string n/a yes
aws_account_id AWS account ID to use (if not already authenticated) string "" no
aws_access_key AWS access key for the account string n/a yes
aws_secret_key AWS secret key for the account string n/a yes
common_prefix Prefix for naming resources string "redpanda" no
vpc_id Existing VPC ID (if not creating a new one) string "" no
vpc_cidr_block CIDR block for the VPC (if creating a new one) string "" no
private_subnet_cidrs CIDRs for private subnets list(string) See no
private_subnet_ids IDs of existing private subnets list(string) [] no
public_subnet_cidrs CIDRs for public subnets list(string) [] no
zones AWS availability zone IDs list(string) See no
condition_tags Tags used as conditions in IAM policies map(string) {"redpanda-managed": "true"} no
default_tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) {} no
ignore_tags Tags to ignore during resource reconciliation list(string) [] no
enable_private_link Enable AWS PrivateLink support bool false no
create_rpk_user Create RPK user policies for testing bool false no
force_destroy_cloud_storage Force destroy the cloud storage bucket bool false no
source_cluster_bucket_names Bucket names of source clusters for read replicas set(string) [] no
reader_cluster_id ID of the reader cluster for read replicas string "" no
network_exclude_zone_ids AZ IDs to exclude from selection list(string) [] no
cloud_tags Cloud-specific tags for resources map(string) {} no


Name Description
redpanda_agent_role_arn ARN of the Redpanda Agent IAM role
agent_instance_profile_arn ARN of the Redpanda Agent instance profile
connectors_node_group_instance_profile_arn ARN of the Connectors node group instance profile
utility_node_group_instance_profile_arn ARN of the Utility node group instance profile
redpanda_node_group_instance_profile_arn ARN of the Redpanda node group instance profile
k8s_cluster_role_arn ARN of the Kubernetes cluster IAM role
cloud_storage_bucket_arn ARN of the Redpanda cloud storage S3 bucket
management_bucket_arn ARN of the management S3 bucket
dynamodb_table_arn ARN of the DynamoDB table for state locking
vpc_arn ARN of the VPC
private_subnet_ids JSON-encoded list of private subnet IDs
redpanda_agent_security_group_arn ARN of the Redpanda Agent security group
connectors_security_group_arn ARN of the Connectors security group
redpanda_node_group_security_group_arn ARN of the Redpanda node group security group
utility_security_group_arn ARN of the Utility security group
cluster_security_group_arn ARN of the EKS cluster security group
node_security_group_arn ARN of the EKS node shared security group
byovpc_rpk_user_policy_arns JSON-encoded list of RPK user policy ARNs (if enabled)
permissions_boundary_policy_arn ARN of the permissions boundary policy
private_subnet_arns List of ARNs of the private subnets


IAM Resources

The module creates IAM roles for various components:

  • Redpanda Agent: Role for the agent VM that manages the Redpanda cluster
  • K8s Cluster: Role for the EKS cluster
  • Redpanda Node Group: Role for Redpanda broker nodes
  • Utility Node Group: Role for utility nodes (load balancer controller, etc.)
  • Connectors Node Group: Role for Redpanda connectors

Networking Resources

  • VPC (optional): Creates a new VPC if vpc_id is not provided
  • Subnets: Private and public subnets in specified availability zones
  • NAT Gateway: For private subnet internet access
  • Route Tables: For public and private subnets
  • S3 Gateway Endpoint: For efficient S3 access without NAT charges

Security Groups

  • Redpanda Agent: For the agent VM
  • Connectors: For connector nodes
  • Redpanda Node Group: For Redpanda broker nodes
  • Utility: For utility nodes
  • Cluster: For the EKS cluster
  • Node: Shared security group for EKS nodes

Storage Resources

  • Cloud Storage Bucket: S3 bucket for Redpanda tiered storage
  • Management Bucket: S3 bucket for Terraform state and configuration
  • DynamoDB Table: For Terraform state locking


  1. Either private_subnet_ids or private_subnet_cidrs must be provided.
  2. For Private Link support, set enable_private_link = true.
  3. The tags specified in condition_tags must also be provided during cluster creation.
  4. The module includes proper tag handling for all resources using default_tags.
  5. For read replica clusters, configure source_cluster_bucket_names and reader_cluster_id.


Basic Usage with New VPC

module "redpanda_byoc" {
  source = "redpanda-data/redpanda-byovpc/aws"
  region             = "us-west-2"
  common_prefix      = "redpanda-prod"
  vpc_cidr_block      = ""
  private_subnet_cidrs = [
  zones = ["usw2-az1", "usw2-az2", "usw2-az3"]
  default_tags = {
    "Environment" = "production"
    "Project"     = "redpanda"
    "Terraform"   = "true"

Using Existing VPC and Subnets

module "redpanda_byoc" {
  source = "redpanda-data/redpanda-byovpc/aws"

  region             = "us-east-1"
  common_prefix      = "redpanda-dev"
  vpc_id             = "vpc-1234567890abcdef0"
  private_subnet_ids = ["subnet-1234567890abcdef0", "subnet-0fedcba0987654321"]
  default_tags = {
    "Environment" = "development"
    "Project"     = "redpanda"
    "Terraform"   = "true"

With Private Link Enabled

module "redpanda_byoc" {
  source = "redpanda-data/redpanda-byovpc/aws"

  region             = "us-east-2"
  common_prefix      = "redpanda-staging"
  vpc_cidr_block      = ""
  private_subnet_cidrs = [
  zones = ["use2-az1", "use2-az2", "use2-az3"]
  enable_private_link = true
  default_tags = {
    "Environment" = "staging"
    "Project"     = "redpanda"
    "Terraform"   = "true"

Ignore Tags

It can be useful to add ignore_tags to your workspace AWS provider declaration to avoid Terraform attempting to remove tags applied by external automation. More information is available here

Capture the output

The output of terraform apply should display a number of output values. For example:

agent_instance_profile_arn = "..."
byovpc_rpk_user_policy_arns = "[...]"
cloud_storage_bucket_arn = "..."
cluster_security_group_arn = "..."
connectors_node_group_instance_profile_arn = "..."
connectors_security_group_arn = "..."
dynamodb_table_arn = "..."
k8s_cluster_role_arn = "..."
management_bucket_arn = "..."
node_security_group_arn = "..."
permissions_boundary_policy_arn = "..."
private_subnet_ids = "[...]"
redpanda_agent_role_arn = "..."
redpanda_agent_security_group_arn = "..."
redpanda_node_group_instance_profile_arn = "..."
redpanda_node_group_security_group_arn = "..."
utility_node_group_instance_profile_arn = "..."
utility_security_group_arn = "..."
vpc_arn = "..."

These values can also be retrieved at any time by running terraform output.

Note these values. They are needed for the next steps. To continue with cluster creation, see Configure a Customer-Managed VPC on AWS.


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