Configs to setup DOTween's tween parameters via Unity editor.
While DOTween provides shortcuts to start tween with given parameters, these parameters are usually either hardcoded, extracted to constants or serialized by Unity. Only latter approach allows tuning parameters via Unity editor without code changes. Since DOTween API expects each parameter to be passed separately, it's not convinent to setup various tweens this way. The goal of this project is to ease such configuration.
DOTween is required for tween configs. You can download it here.
Add this repository as submodule under Assets
folder or download it and put to Assets
folder of your Unity project.
Import DOTweenConfigs
namespace to use tween configs.
There are two ways to use tween configs: either use serializable version or scriptable object one. Scriptable object version allows sharing same tween config between several objects.
Add tween config serializable field to your object and setup tween parameters. Use coressponding extension method to start tween with this tween config.
Example of serializable position 3D tween config
used in DOMove
extension method:
using UnityEngine;
using DOTweenConfigs;
public class DOMoveSerializableExample : MonoBehaviour
private Position3DTweenConfig tweenConfig;
private void Start()
First create scriptable object asset for tween config. Available options can be found in create asset menu. Navigate there either via top Unity panel "Assets/Create/DOTweenConfigs" or via "Create" button in project window: "Create/DOTweenConfigs". After clicking desired config, new asset file with tween config is created. Setup tween parameters for tween config asset via inspector. Add tween config asset serializable field to your object and link desired tween config asset. Use coressponding extension method to start tween with this tween config asset.
Example of position 3D tween config scriptable object
used in DOMove
extension method:
using UnityEngine;
using DOTweenConfigs;
public class DOMoveScriptableObjectExample : MonoBehaviour
private Position3DTweenConfig tweenConfigAsset;
private void Start()
Project supports Unity Package Manager. To install project as Git package, update package manifest dependencies to have com.rfadeev.dotweenconfigs
"dependencies": {
"com.rfadeev.dotweenconfigs": ""
To use DOTween configs for Physics, Physics2D, Sprites and UI DOTween modules, additionnal setup is required.
- Create assembly definition file for DOTween modules. For that click "Create ASMDEF..." button in DOTween Utility Panel.
- Add following defines to your scripting define symbols
for Sprite module. It is called Sprites module in the DOTween Utility Panel, but Sprite in the DOTween code.DOTWEEN_UI_MODULE_ENABLED
for UI module