bld Extension to Help Create Spring Boot Web Applications
To install the latest version, add the following to the lib/bld/
For more information, please refer to the extensions documentation.
To create a Spring Boot executable Java Archive (JAR) from the current project:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Creates an executable JAR for the project")
public void bootjar() throws Exception {
new BootJarOperation()
./bld compile bootjar
To create a Spring Boot executable Web Archive (WAR) from the current project:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Creates an executable WAR for the project")
public void bootwar() throws Exception {
new BootWarOperation()
./bld compile bootwar
Don't forget to include the Spring Boot Loader dependency to your project:
Please check the BootJarOperation documentation or BootWarOperation documentation for all available configuration options.
You may also want to have a look at the Spring Boot Web Application Example for bld template.