Toby Jaffey
A pure zig port of
Blog posts documenting some of this:
Tested with zig 0.14.0
zig build && ./zig-out/bin/zigrv32ima linux.bin
Type ctrl-a
then x
to exit.
Minimal "Hello world" in zig
cd samples/hello
zig build
../../zig-out/bin/zigrv32ima zig-out/bin/hello.bin
Interactive shell (
cd samples/shell
zig build
../../zig-out/bin/zigrv32ima zig-out/bin/shell.bin
ASCII mandelbrot set
cd samples/mandelbrot
zig build
../../zig-out/bin/zigrv32ima zig-out/bin/mandelbrot.bin
qemu-system-riscv32 -machine virt -nographic -bios foo.bin
libc is linked for access to the raw terminal. To remove, comment out lib.linkSystemLibraryName("c");
in build.zig
The term
struct could be replaced by this minimal stub:
const term = struct {
pub fn init() void {
pub fn getch() ?u8 {
return null;