Zig port for the famous TSID generator created by Fabio Lima.
Build for Zig 0.13.0
- Thread safety with
Crockford's Base32 representation - Benchmarks vs UUIDs libs
- Benchmarks vs other TSIDs implementations
Include it as library:
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/rlopzc/tsid-zig
In your build.zig
const tsid = b.dependency("tsid-zig", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("tsid", tsid.module("tsid"));
const TSID = @import("tsid").TSID;
const TsidFactory = @import("tsid").Factory;
// Build a TSID Factory supporting 1024 nodes, with a Node ID = 500
var tsid_factory = TsidFactory.init_1024_nodes(500);
// Generate a TSID
const tsid = tsid_factory.create();
// Get the Crockford's Base32 string
// Get the u64 number
// Build a TSID from a String
const tsid_from_str = try TSID.fromString("0H0596Q9R05TZ");
I compared this TSID generation vs other UUIDs implementations from the community. If you want to run this benchmarks,
run zig build run-bench
Here are the results.
benchmark runs total time time/run (avg ± σ) (min ... max) p75 p99 p995
r4gus/uuid v4 65535 1.873ms 28ns ± 19ns (20ns ... 200ns) 30ns 131ns 131ns
r4gus/uuid v7 65535 3.112ms 47ns ± 22ns (40ns ... 3.967us) 50ns 150ns 151ns
karlseguin/zul UUID v4 65535 1.894ms 28ns ± 47ns (20ns ... 11.131us) 30ns 131ns 131ns
karlseguin/zul UUID v7 65535 3.846ms 58ns ± 19ns (50ns ... 3.607us) 60ns 160ns 160ns
rlopzc/tsid-zig 256 65535 3.453ms 52ns ± 16ns (50ns ... 4.188us) 60ns 61ns 61ns
rlopzc/tsid-zig 1024 65535 3.446ms 52ns ± 16ns (50ns ... 4.028us) 51ns 61ns 61ns
rlopzc/tsid-zig 4096 65535 3.445ms 52ns ± 19ns (50ns ... 3.927us) 51ns 61ns 61ns