The motivation behind this project was to create a workspace where users can test themselves or brush up on knowledge about coding basics. Once the user clicks the "Start Quiz" button, the quiz will start and a 90 second timer will begin. Each question the user selects correctly will a-lot them ten points. An incorrect selection will penalize the user, in turn decrementing their total time by ten seconds. Once the user completes the quiz, they will be asked to an input their initials. The user with the highest scores initials will be displayed on the "High Score" page, and the user will have the option of restarting the quiz. Through this process I have learned by direct application how much simpler jQuery can make the lives of developers, and how difficult it is to refactor jQuery code back into vanilla JavaScript as well as how important the order of operations is when calling certain functions, overall code cleanliness, and organization.
This project utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, & Google Fonts
Clone the repo: git clone
Open in VS Code. If you do not have VS code you must install it.
Worked with a a variety of students to complete this challenge (ie. Brian Hamlin & Chris McNamara), as well as some friends within the developer community (Brian Dillman & Shannon Zander). YouTube was also of great value on this assignment.
Features of this application, on are the utilization of local storage to save users high scores, a timer which ony decrements time when the user answers a question incorrectly, Google Fonts, and the use of a gradient generator.
Open to collaboration, if you choose to do so open an issue and modify any changes you would like to see on a feature branch and wait for approval before merging to the main branch.