Using the Tektronix 4010 emulator tek4010 on the PiDP-8
Below is a picture showing my Pascal game STARSHIP ( on the PiDP-8
in OS/8 using tek4010:
Pascal directory
The Pascal directory contains Pascal programs for the OS/8 Pascal compiler. The Pascal compiler can be obtained from;fn=images/os8/pascal1.rx01;sort=name
The README.1 file there describes the installation of Pascal.
Compile these programs with
where name is the file name of the Pascal program you want to compile.
Execute it with
.R P,name.PB
Source files in this directory:
- parametric plot, x=sin(3t), y=sin(4t)
- 3D plot, sin(x+y)
- 3D plot, sin(r+d)
- type Tektronix 4010/4014 plot files .p8
Usage of typep8 (use only if you are connected to tek4010 or a real Tektronix terminal)
.R P,TYPEP8,name.P8
OS8-plotfiles directory
These are OS/8 compatible plot files for the Tektronix 4010, 4014. They have been converted using tektoOS8. To display them, use TYPEP8 (see above).
tektoOS8 directory
tektoOS8 is a small conversion program to convert normal Tektronix 4010/4014 plot files to a format compatible with OS/8. They can only be displayed using TYPEP8 (see above).
Use it as follows
tektoOS8 filename
where filename is the name of the file to convert, without extension. The program will convert filename.plt to filename.p8.
Floppy_images directory
This directory contains the following floppy disk images:
- pascal1.rx01 Pascal installation disk with Pascal compiler and runtime (from
- pascal2.rx01 Pascal source programs (from
- pascal3.rx01 Tektronix graphics programs written in Pascal
- tekplot1.rx01 Tektronix plot files (to be used with TYPEP8)
- tekplot2.rx01 Tektronix plot files (to be used with TYPEP8)
- tekplot3.rx01 Tektronix plot files (to be used with TYPEP8)
There is a .txt file for each of these images in the directory explaining the content of the image.
using tek4010 with the PiDP-8
You can download tek4010 from
This is ongoing work. I hope that we will be able to make this much easier. You cannot use tek4010 in the standard pidp8i setup, which uses screen, because screen does not work with dump graphics terminals such as the Tektronix 4010. If tek4010 is on the same Raspberry Pi as pidp8i, use the method described in the tek410 repo under "Log into PiDP-11 running on the same Raspberry Pi, using the console" to log into Raspbian with tek4010. Then type
pidp8i stop
cd pidp8i
make run
Note, that you are now running OS/8 with the RK05 image in /home/pi/pidp8i/bin. Don't forget to use one of the keys to erase the screen very frequently.
Thanks to everybody who contributed important ideas, helped with the debugging and preserved the historical data. This is an incomplete list:
Oscar Vermeulen, Vincent Slyngstad, Warren Young, Steve Tockey, Rick Murphy, Ian Schofield, Mike Katz, Ed Spittles, Win Heagy.
The usual disclaimer
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.