sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#millenium-falcon
# temporary package installation
nix-shell -p <package_name>
# updating the system
nix flake update
fwupdmgr update
# code formatting
nix fmt
# The `clonerer` is a shitty bash script, which clones the defined git repos and adds the given git remotes to them.
- Boot into a NixOS 24.05 minimal ISO
- If you want to use WiFi in the minimal ISO create config:
wpa_passphrase <SSID> <PW> | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
activate it:sudo wpa_supplicant -B -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlp5s0
- Run
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko --flake github:rubenhoenle/dotfiles/main#deathstar --arg disk '"/dev/nvme0n1"'
- Run
sudo nixos-install --flake github:rubenhoenle/dotfiles#deathstar
- Reboot
- Login using
- Open a Terminal using
cd /home/ruben
git clone
wl-mirror --fullscreen DP-1
wl-mirror --fullscreen eDP-1
I use restic for my backups. The backups are stored on Backblaze B2 via the S3 API and on a local harddrive.
The backup to Backblaze B2 is automated and runs every hour.
# showing the status of the backblaze b2 backup
systemctl status restic-backups-b2.service
# showing the snapshots of the backblaze b2 backup
restic-b2 snapshots
restic documentation for restoring
# starting the HDD backup
systemctl start restic-backups-hdd
# showing the status of the HDD backup
systemctl status restic-backups-hdd
# showing the snapshots of the HDD backup
restic-hdd snapshots
# restoring the backup from the HDD
restic-hdd restore latest --target /
# add fingerprint
sudo fprintd-enroll ruben
# verify fingerprint
sudo fprintd-verify ruben
agenix is a tool for encrypted secrets in your NixOS config.
cd secrets
agenix -i /home/ruben/.ssh/agenix/millenium-falcon/id_ed25519 -e secret1.age
Add the new public key into secrets.nix
# rekey the secrets
agenix -i /home/ruben/.ssh/agenix/millenium-falcon/id_ed25519 -r
After doing a nixos-rebuild which changed some waybar settings, it might be necessary to restart the waybar manually to apply the changes.
systemctl --user restart waybar
Don't forget to set the proper sleep state option (Linux
) in the BIOS in menu Config -> Power