Getting ideas from your registered users/customers should be simple!
- Simple install
- Simple usage, no second registration
- Your app, your user, your ideas, your control
We use elastic search for this, and it might be because the index somehow is out of sync. Try running Idea.reindex
- Inject 'Redirect' inn i kontrolleren
- Metoden ser slik ut:
Redirect(name, options, urlParameters)
Eksempel 1:
Redirect('idea', { id: 2 })
Returnerer: #/widget/ideas/2
Eksempel 2:
Noen ganger trenger vi å legge på ekstra url-parametre på slutten
Redirect('idea_edit', { id: 3 }, '?comment_id=4')
Returnerer: #/widget/ideas/3/edit?comment_id=4
For å lage lenker i templates, kan vi bruke fremgangsmåten beskrevet her:
Preview email example to preview password_reset: /rails/mailers/customer_mailer/password_reset
We have enabled auto-deploy to heroku. The develop branch will automatically be deployed to staging. We have also enabled review apps. This means that all PR will automatically create a new temporary application on heroku for testing. The file app.json file is config for review-apps
We are using bower for assets. Simple guide for bower and rails.
npm install -g bower
Modify bower.json
run bower install