GormMigrator is a straightforward migration assistant for Gorm. Gorm already provides helpful migrate capabilities; it simply lacks sufficient support for migration rollback and schema versioning.
It has two distinct features:
- Migrations for the Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Migrations for the Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Here, the migration processes of Ruby on Rails or Laravel have had a major influence on GormMigrator.
It supports any of the databases Gorm supports like:
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Microsoft SQL Server
We have to ensure below items before run the migrate
- Must have two directories
(directories are automatically created when a migration created). - Must add package
accordingly - Must import below packages in
or somewhere to preload the migrations.
_ "github.com/sajib-hassan/go-gorm-migrator/example-app/db/ddls"
_ "github.com/sajib-hassan/go-gorm-migrator/example-app/db/dmls"
This is the options struct for the command integration, in case you don't want the defaults:
type FnDBConnection func () *gorm.DB
type OptionsArg struct {
// Through a callback function, the migrator will obtain a database connection.
// Here, an application database connection may be used. Return a `*gorm.DB` DB connection.
FnGetDBCallback migrator.FnDBConnection
FileStoreDir string // Default is "[APP_ROOT]/db"
// File Path: example-app/cmd/migrate.go
package cmd
import (
_ "github.com/sajib-hassan/go-gorm-migrator/example-app/db/ddls"
_ "github.com/sajib-hassan/go-gorm-migrator/example-app/db/dmls"
migratorCmd "github.com/sajib-hassan/go-gorm-migrator/pkg/migrator/cmd"
func newMigrateCmd() *cobra.Command {
options := &migratorCmd.OptionsArg{
FnGetDBCallback: func() *gorm.DB {
return getDBConnection()
//FileStoreDir: "db",
return migratorCmd.NewMigrateCmd(options)
func getDBConnection() *gorm.DB {
dbHost := "localhost"
dbPort := 5432
dbName := "migrator_db"
dbUser := "migrator_user"
dbPassword := "migrator_password"
dbSSLMode := "disable"
dbTimeZone := "UTC"
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s TimeZone=%s",
dbHost, dbPort, dbUser, dbPassword, dbName, dbSSLMode, dbTimeZone)
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DSN: dsn,
}), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("postgres connect error: ", err)
return db
Available migrate
sub commands
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate
migration uses migrate tool under the hood supporting the same commands and an additional reset command
[APP_NAME] migrate [command]
Available Commands:
ddl use DDL migration tool
dml use DB seed data tool
-h, --help help for migrate
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate ddl
migration uses migrate tool under the hood supporting the same commands and an additional reset command
[APP_NAME] migrate ddl [command]
Available Commands:
create create [-ext E] [-dir D] [-seq] [-digits N] [-format] [-tz] NAME
down [N] [-all] Apply all or N down migrations
drop drop [-f] Drop everything inside database
Use -f to bypass confirmation
up [N] Apply all or N up migrations
version version Print current migration version
-h, --help help for ddl
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate ddl create users_table
2022/10/10 10:42:23 .../[APP_NAME]/db/ddls/20221010104223_users_table.go
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate ddl up [N]
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate ddl down [N] [--all]
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate ddl drop -f
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate ddl version
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate dml
seeder uses migrate tool under the hood supporting the same commands and an additional reset command
[APP_NAME] migrate dml [command]
Available Commands:
create create [-ext E] [-dir D] [-seq] [-digits N] [-format] [-tz] NAME
down [N] [-all] Apply all or N down migrations
up [N] Apply all or N up migrations
version version Print current migration version
-h, --help help for data
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate dml create add_users
2022/10/10 11:24:24 .../[APP_NAME]/db/dmls/20221010112424_add_users.go
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate dml up [N]
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate dml down [N] [--all]
$ build/[APP_NAME] migrate dml version