Static favicon’s SUCK if you frequently use a lot of browser tabs for the same webservice/website. Such occurs
when opening ten tabs of the same webservice
for developers browsing the development, staging and live server
for webservices with subdomains for each account and you are logged into multiple Accounts at the same time
For me all of the above apply’s(in SalesKing) and i am sick of beeing lost in tabs(ation). So i finally hacked a tiny javascript to enable me and our users to customize their favicon’s
See favicon and js in page source:
RTFC .. as long as the docs are sparse :-)
The js creates a new header link containing a “blind” favicon. Above this base a customizable canvas image is rendered.
You can configure:
background png
text + color
text alignment
image border radius
Setup with some custom options:
DynFav.txt_color = '#fff'; DynFav.txt = 'S'; DynFav.txt_x = 3; DynFav.txt_y = 13; DynFav.font = 'bold 13px Arial'; DynFav.change();
MIT 2011 Georg Leciejewski