Using NodeJS, write an API that accepts a post request with a UTF-8 string payload and returns a ROT-13 version of the string, storing the original string in a database of your choice (SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL/MySQL). The API should be capable of accepting a string of 1,000 characters. Then provide an alternate implementation using Ruby on Rails. (No 3rd party libraries or gems may be used for ROT-13.)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Node v14.17.5
Express v4.18.1
Mongoose v6.4.1
Jest v29.2.2
- body-parser
- dotenv
- nodemon
Clone the repo and cd into it sh git clone
Move into the project directory
cd rot13
Install dependencies
Start the server
yarn run start
yarn run dev
run with nodemon watch
- Run test suits
yarn jest
- A simple api application to convert the given string to ROT13
- First check whether rotation of string is in db or not.
- If is then simply return the encryption in db
- If not the create hash of each character with it's ROT-13 version on runtime and replace each character of original string
- After this original and rot13 strings are saved in db
- API Error Handling added at application level
- Functional test added in
- Method: POST
- URL: https://API_BASE_URL/api/v1/string_rotation
for running local it would become
{ "stringRotation": { "originalString": "This is a test message" } }
{ "stringRotation": { "originalString": "This is a test message", "rotString": "Guvf vf n grfg zrffntr" } }