Hey, I’m @sansyrox 👋 I build and maintain a bunch of things:
- thepersonalaicompany/amurex: The invisible companion for your Work + Life
- sparckles/Robyn: Robyn is a Super Fast Async Python Web Framework with a Rust runtime and a builin web server.
- sparckles/starfyre: A reactive, WASM based SSR Python Web Framework for Front-End Applications
- git-add-co-author: No, you didn’t write all that code. Here’s an easy way to admit it.
- sparckles/nestd: A package to extract your nested functions.
- macsimus: A custom editor based on NeoVim and inspired from Vim and Emacs to maximise productivity.
- cursor-neovim: Customise Cursor to resemble Neovim in a few commands.
- xcode-Night-Owl: XCode port of the Night Owl Theme
- vim-python-virtualenv: A vim plugin which automatically manages the python virtual envs for you
- cringify: A cli tool to annoy your friends on the internet
Dive in, star, fork, or just lurk—whatever floats your boat.