Visualise a Protein in Virtual Reality
I manually coded the HTML front-end part of this website, and the Python back-end, from the ground up for fun. This website was established on 20 March 2017 @ 22:06 GMT+3, and it looked like this at the time it was shutdown on 29 August 2024 @ 16:20 GMT+3 after running non-stop for 7 and a half years.
This script does the following converts a PDB (Protein Data Bank) file into a HTML code that can be used to visualise the protein in VR (Virtual Reality).
This script was written to run on GNU/Linux using python 3, it was not tested in Windows or MacOS. Contact the author at for any questions regarding this script.
To use follow these steps:
To download the protein file from the RCSB ( website and run the script type this command:
./ -d FILENAME.pdb
If the protein file is already available in your computer:
- Place this script and the protein's file (.pdb) in the same folder.
- In the terminal, navigate to the folder.
- Run the script type this command:
- View your HTML script in
A website is available for ease of use: The website is opensource and can be found in the FlaskApp directory.