- Simple web app displaying data for Powerball lotery. Another reminder that this data covers Powerball numbers since the rules changed on October 4th 2015. This simple web app is live and you can find it on https://powerballdata.com
- Top 10 winning white numbers
- Top 10 winning Powerball (red) numbers
- Winning numbers in the past month (there are 13 draws in an average month)
- Search function (search any number for):
- Times it has been drawn
- Percentage of times it has been drawn
- Droughts (How many consecutive DRAWS your number has NOT been drawn)
- Streaks (How many consecutive MONTHS your number HAS BEEN drawn)
- Monthly Data (How many times your number has been drawn in EACH of the 12 months)
- Yearly Data (How many times your number has been drawn EACH year since 2016)
- The web app is still in development. It may get new features as time goes on.