This code is designed to demonstrate functionalities relating to trans-ionospheric propagation, specifically ray-tracing at low RF frequencies. The rays here operate in three-dimensions, and in a ellipsiodal ionosphere (ellipsodial shells).
- None
- Python >= 3.9
We recommend for initial installization of development environment the following tools (in this order):
- Python:
- Git:
- Visual Studio Code:
Use Codespaces on Github
The import IRI2016 ( reuqires a Fortran compiler--any modern Fortran compiler will do. Here's how to get Gfortran: Linux: apt install gfortran Mac: brew install gcc Windows: consider MSYS2
If using codespaces: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gfortran
Build a virtual environment (How-To)
- in a terminal window: python -m venv venv
- activate the virtual env:
- Linux:
source ./venv/bin/activate
- Windows:
- (if issue occurs see: fix)
- In Linux, you'll see your terminal window you'll get a new start to the line (venv). In Windows, you can run a Python command (e.g.
python -c "print (\"Hello World\")"
and you should see (venv) display when the execution finishes.
Imports: from the terminal window (with the venv prefix) install your updates
- Check to see if you have pip installed, if not: Install/Update pip
- Run: pip install -r requirements.txt (potentially you might need to do this within python; i.e. python/py/python3 -m in front of pip)
- Alternatively Ensure that you have pipreqs installed locally (pip install pipreqs)
- to generate freeze of requirements "pipreqs --force"
To test your distributon run all tests: python -m unittest discover -s unittests
- coverage run -m unittest discover
- coverage html
- python -m unittest discover -s unittests