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Iono Pi - C library and utility program

DEPRECATED: This library and utility are no longer updated. Use the Iono Pi kernel module instead, which offers all the functionalities provided by this library and much more.

C library and utility program for Iono Pi (, a professional input/output expansion for Raspberry Pi.

This library provides a set of utility functions to use all the functionalities provided by Iono Pi:

  • Power relays, open collectors and LED control
  • Digital inputs reading and interrupts handling
  • Analog inputs reading
  • 1-Wire and Wiegand support

It is developed for Raspberry Pi 2/3/4 running Raspbian and based on the WiringPi GPIO access library.

Moreover it includes the iono utility program that can be used in scripts or directly from shell to access Iono Pi's functionalities.

The source code of the iono utility can also be used as a simple example of how to use the ionoPi library.

NOTE If you have installed the Iono Pi kernel module, make sure to disable it before using the library or the utility as it will get hold of the SPI bus and GPIOs. That is, remove dtoverlay=ionopi form /boot/config.txt and reboot.

Raspberry Pi Setup

Configure the GPIOs corresponding to Iono Pi's digital inputs as inputs without pull up/down.
Edit the file /boot/config.txt adding the line:


Enable SPI:

$ sudo raspi-config

Select: Interfacing Options -> SPI -> Yes

If using 1-Wire bus devices (e.g. DS18B20 temperature sensors) on the TTL1 pin, enable that too:

Select: Interfacing Options -> 1-Wire -> Yes

Otherwise, make sure it is disabled.


$ sudo reboot


If you don't have git installed:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git-core

Download ionoPi (which includes wiringPi) using git:

$ git clone --depth 1

Build and install:

$ cd iono-pi-c-lib
$ sudo chmod +x build
$ sudo ./build

Test the installation running the iono utility:

$ iono
usage: iono <command>

   -v              Print the version number of the ionoPi library
   led on          Turn on the green LED
   led off         Turn off the green LED
   o<n> open       Open relay output o<n> (<n>=1..4)
   o<n> close      Close relay output o<n> (<n>=1..4)
   oc<n> open      Open open collector oc<n> (<n>=1..3)
   oc<n> close     Close open collector oc<n> (<n>=1..3)
   di<n>           Print the state ("high" or "low") of digital input di<n> (<n>=1..6)
   di<n> -f        Print the state of digital input di<n> now and on every change
   ai<n>           Print the voltage value (V) read from analog input ai<n> (<n>=1..4)
   ai<n> -r        Print the raw value read from the A/D converter's channel corresponding
                   to analog input ai<n> (<n>=1..4)
   1wire bus       Print the list of device IDs found on the 1-Wire bus
   1wire bus <id>  Print the temperature value (°C) read from 1-Wire device <id>
   1wire ttl<n>    Print temperature (°C) and humidity (%) values read from the
                   MaxDetect 1-Wire sensor on TTL<n> (<n>=1..4)
   wiegand <n>     Wait for data to be available on Wiegand interface <n> (<n>=1|2)
                   and print number of bits and value read
   wiegand <n> -f  Continuously print number of bits and value read from Wiegand
                   interface <n> whenever data is available

IonoPi library documentation

To use the library in your C code, include its header file:

#include <ionoPi.h>

and add -lionoPi when compiling, e.g.:

$ gcc -Wall -o foo foo.c -lionoPi

you may need to specify the paths to the library too:

$ gcc -Wall -o foo foo.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lionoPi

The library defines the following int constants representing the pins (inputs/outputs) of Iono Pi:

O1, O2, O3, O4
OC1, OC2, OC3
DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5, DI6
AI1, AI2, AI3, AI4

They shall be used as parameters for the library functions.

Moreover, the following int constants are defined to simplify the state values of the digital pins:


which all respectively corresponds to the high or low state of the underlying GPIO pin.

Following are the functions provided by the library:

int ionoPiSetup()

This function must be called once, at the beginning of your program. It initializes the library and configures the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins.

Returns TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise.

void ionoPiPinMode(int pin, int mode)

This function sets the mode (INPUT or OUTPUT) of a pin. You might need it on the TTL lines, the other pins are initialized for their normal usage at setup.

void ionoPiDigitalWrite(int output, int value)

Sets the state of a digital output (O1, O2, O3, O4, OC1, OC2, OC3, TTL1, TTL2, TTL3, TTL4, or LED) to the specified value (CLOSED or OPEN, HIGH or LOW, ON or OFF).

int ionoPiDigitalRead(int di)

Returns the state (HIGH or LOW) of the specified digital input (DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5, DI6, TTL1, TTL2, TTL3, TTL4).

int ionoPiAnalogRead(int ai)

Returns the value read from the specified analog input (AI1, AI2, AI3, AI4), or -1 if an error occurs.

float ionoPiVoltageRead(int ai)

Returns the voltage value read from the specified analog input (AI1, AI2, AI3, AI4), or -1 if an error occurs.

int ionoPiDigitalInterrupt(int di, int mode, void (*callback)(int, int))

This function registers a callback function to be called when an interrupt is received on the specified digital input. The mode parameter specifies on which edge(s) the interrupt is detected, it can be INT_EDGE_FALLING, INT_EDGE_RISING, or INT_EDGE_BOTH.

The callback function must have the following signature:

void myCallback(int di, int val)

When called, the parameters will be set respectively to the digital pin on which the interrupt triggered and its current state.

void ionoPiSetDigitalDebounce(int di, int millis)

Sets a debouce time (in milliseconds) on the specified digital input.

If set to a value greater than 0, state variations on the specified input will have effect only if stable for a period longer than the specified debounce time.
This will affect the value returned by ionoPiDigitalRead() called on the same input and the triggering of interrupts if a callback function has been registered with ionoPiDigitalInterrupt().

int ionoPi1WireBusGetDevices(char*** ids)

This function retrieves the IDs of the devices connected to the 1-Wire bus. It will populate the array of char strings ids passed by address, allocating the required memory.

Returns the number of devices found or -1 upon error.

int ionoPi1WireBusReadTemperature(const char* deviceId, const int attempts, int *temp)

Reads the temperature measured by the specified 1-Wire bus device. It sets the value of the temp parameter passed by address to the read temperature, in millis of °C. The attempts parameter specifies the maximum number of subsequent readings that must be attempted in case of errors.

Returns TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise.

int ionoPi1WireMaxDetectRead(int ttl, const int attempts, int *temp, int *rh)

Reads the temperature and relative humidity values measured by the 1-Wire MaxDetect probe connected to the specified TTL pin (TTL1, TTL2, TTL3, TTL4). It sets the values of the temp and rh parameters passed by address respectively to the read temperature (in tenths of °C) and humidity (in tenths of %). The attempts parameter specifies the maximum number of subsequent readings that must be attempted in case of errors.

Returns TRUE upon success, FALSE otherwise.

int ionoPiWiegandMonitor(int interface, int (*callback)(int, int, uint64_t))

This function registers a callback function to be called when data is available on the specified Wiegand interface.

This function is blocking, it will not return until ionoPiWiegandStop() is called from a different thread, the callback function returns FALSE when called, or an error occurs.

The interface parameter shall be set to 1 to monitor the Wiegand device connected to TTL1 (Data 0) and TTL2 (Data 1), or to 2 to monitor the Wiegand device connected to TTL3 (Data 0) and TTL4 (Data 1).

Returns TRUE when stopped or FALSE if an error occurs.

The callback function shall have the following signature:

int myCallback(int interface, int bitCount, uint64_t data)

It will be called any time data is available on the Wiegand interface with the parameters set as follows:

interface will be set to the number of the interface (1 or 2) the data has been read from;
bitCount will be set to the number of bits read (for consistency check)
data will be set to the value read (i.e. the sequence of bits interpreted as integer)

If the callback function returns FALSE upon completion the monitoring of the interface will be stopped and ionoPiWiegandMonitor() will return TRUE.

int ionoPiWiegandStop(int interface)

This function stops the monitoring of the specified Wiegand interface (1 or 2), see ionoPiWiegandMonitor().


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