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Burgers module definition

Quality Gate Status


This is a sample Burger shop application (backend and frontend).


To import this module:

  • Create a module named Burgers
  • Set the settings as:
	"type": "git",
	"origin": {
		"uri": ""
  • Click on the Import module button


In order to have the frontend working the password for the webservices-only user burgers must be simplicite.

This can be achieved by importing the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<simplicite xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Load data

Some sample data is provided as a module's dataset.

Open this dataset and click on the Apply button after having imported the module and made a full clear cache.

BrgBurger business object definition

Burger business object


Name Type Required Updatable Personal Description
brgBurgerName char(50) yes* yes Name
brgBurgerPrice float(5, 2) yes yes Price
brgBurgerPicture image yes Picture
brgBurgerDescription html(100) yes Description

BrgIngredient business object definition

Burger ingredient


Name Type Required Updatable Personal Description
brgIngredientName char(50) yes* yes Name
brgIngredientPrice float(5, 2) yes yes Price

BrgComposition business object definition

Burger composition business object


Name Type Required Updatable Personal Description
brgCompositionBurgerId link to BrgBurger id yes* yes Burger
Ref. brgCompositionBurgerId.brgBurgerName char(50) Name
brgCompositionIngredientId link to BrgIngredient id yes* yes Ingredient
Ref. brgCompositionIngredientId.brgIngredientName char(50) Name
brgCompositionQuantity int(100) yes yes Quantity

BrgCustomer business object definition

Burger customer business object


Name Type Required Updatable Personal Description
brgCustomerEmail email(100) yes* yes Email
brgCustomerPhone phone(20) yes Phone number
brgCustomerLastname char(100) yes yes Last name
brgCustomerFirstname char(100) yes yes First name

BrgExclusion business object definition

Burger user's ingredient exclusion business object


Name Type Required Updatable Personal Description
brgExclusionCustomerId link to BrgCustomer id yes* yes Customer
Ref. brgExclusionCustomerId.brgCustomerEmail email(100) Email
brgExclusionIngredientId link to BrgIngredient id yes* yes Ingredient
Ref. brgExclusionIngredientId.brgIngredientName char(50) Name

BrgOrder business object definition

Burger order


Name Type Required Updatable Personal Description
brgOrderDatetime datetime yes* Date and time
brgOrderCustomerId link to BrgCustomer id yes* yes Customer
Ref. brgOrderCustomerId.brgCustomerEmail email(100) Email
Ref. brgOrderCustomerId.brgCustomerFirstname char(100) First name
Ref. brgOrderCustomerId.brgCustomerLastname char(100) Last name
brgOrderBurgerId link to BrgBurger id yes* yes Burger
Ref. brgOrderBurgerId.brgBurgerName char(50) Name
Ref. brgOrderBurgerId.brgBurgerPrice float(5, 2) Price
brgOrderComposition text(10000) Composition
brgOrderDate date Date

burgers external object definition

Burger shop responsive web frontend