Scans a court IBM mainframe for recent cases filed by creditors and sends debtors a letter or e-mail about their legal rights.
- Because the mainframe does not provide an address for the defendant, a search is run using the pipl API
- The letter is sent by the lob API
- The e-mail is sent by the clicksend API, which unlike plain smtp reduces likelihood of being marked spam
$ sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip s3270 x3270 -y
Note: s3270 is in non-free repository. x3270 is useful for debugging mainframe interactions but not required, see comments in
$ pip3 install py3270 lob piplapis-python
$ pip3 install git+
- calls
- calls
- calls
- calls
NOTE: These four scripts are meant to be run consecutavely in the order above.
Each step is designed that a failure of one script will not result in data loss.
Any unprocessed data will simply be picked up and handled in the next pass.
This script is meant to run every 2-3 hours.
- checks for new cases in all 4 local courts by connecting to mainframe, using py3720 and an internal api in
- keeps a database of existing case numbers in CASENUMBERS, because case numbers are issued sequentially by year, searches start with last known good+1 and fail after 15 cases are not found
- stores data from new cases for analysis in NEW_CASE in dap.sqlite
- opens new cases in NEW_CASE
- screens plaintiff_name for keywords and known creditors which are listed as CREDITOR
- if a match is found, case is moved to possible cases in POSSIBLE_CASE
- if a match is not found, case is moved to rejected cases in REJECTEDCASES and noted why
- opens possible cases in POSSIBLE_CASE
- matches cases in POSSIBLE_CASE to people using the pipl api, via
- if a match is found, case is moved to possible cases in POSSIBLE_CASE
- if a match is not found, case is moved to rejected cases in REJECTEDCASES and noted why
- processes MATCHEDCASES
- send prospective debtors a letter, e-mail, and/or facebook message based on available data
- sends letter via USPS via lob api
- sends e-mail via clicksend api
- saves processed cases to PROCESSEDCASES with time-stamp for any/all of above
- contains functions for interacting with various apis (only .example uploaded to github)
- contains api keys for apis
- contains functions for interacting with local sqlite database
- contains functions for interacting with court mainframe (only .example uploaded to github)
- stores contains mainframe credentials
- contains functions for logging application events
- check file for usage information
- combine all logs in logging directory and order based on session log count
dap.sqlite, tables:
- CASENUMBERS - for tracking last known case numbers
- NEW_CASE - all cases scanned from mainframe
- POSSIBLE_CASE - cases whose plaintiff contains a keyword from CREDITOR
- MATCHED_CASE - cases whose defendant has been matched to a person
- PROCESSED_CASE - cases that were sent letter, e-mail, or facebook message, with time-stamp
- REJECTED_CASE - cases rejected for no matching creditor or individual
- CREDITOR - list of creditors and keywords for creditors
- creates dap.sqlite database from scratch
- populates dap.sqlite database with test data
- mainframe.log - for logging mainframe responses
- database.log - for logging database events
- pipl.log - for logging pipl api responses
- clicksend.log - for logging clicksend api responses
- lob.log - for logging lob api responses
- compliance.log - for logging compliance-related activities