This tool permits to apply a giftcode to as many account as you want
This script allows you to apply a giftcode to as many accounts as you want.
This allows you to benefit because of Ankama compensation they provide regularly because of maintenance or problems.
This is especially interesting if you are using bots.
You need Nodejs in order to use this program
At least you need one proxy to run it
You will need Anti-captcha key too (because of cloudflare...)
git clone
npm install
Then place your accounts (username:password) into accounts.txt and at least one proxy into proxy.txt
const giftCode = 'THEGIFTCODEYOUWANT';
const antiCaptchaKey = 'ANTICAPTCHAKEY';
To run the program, simply use (when you are situated on the same folder as the file for sure)
node index.js
Tested and developped on Windows 10. May works with Linux too.
This tool is open for any contributions, you are free to help to upgrade this program. You can add options to not use proxy for instance...
- Inspiration from an old KingTouch Account Generator program not findable now
- To use this tool on dofus website, just replace dofus touch instead of dofus in every hyper link.