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getcast is a utility for archiving podcasts.


getcast syncs local show repositories with episodes currently available online. You tell it where the podcasts are synced locally and supply it with a show's RSS feed, and it grabs all the episodes not currently synced. getcast includes native support for ID3v2 metadata (version 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4) and augments the metadata with information skimmed from the RSS feed.


  1. Download the repository: git clone
  2. Build and install: cd getcast && go install (If you need the go tools, you can grab them here).
  3. Run the program: getcast -d [path to podcasts] -u [URL of RSS feed]


  • -d Main download directory for all podcasts (Required)
  • -h Help screen
  • -l Log file for logging all regular and debug messages
  • -n Episode number to download, or x-y to download episode y of season x
  • -u URL of show's RSS feed (Required)
  • -v Verbose mode