Unofficial Tool for Hosting on Parsec
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Parsec Soda is no longer in development, and Smash Soda is now the only working version of Parsec Soda. When Parsec shut down their arcade service, Smash Soda needed to be modified in a way that means builds of it can no longer be shared, due to Parsec's terms with their software development kit. This means you now have to compile Smash Soda yourself...which sucks, I know, but I made a build guide here:
This is a modification of ParsecSoda, a tool developed by FlavioFS for improving the hosting experience on Parsec Arcade. It builds upon modifications made by user v6000.
The aim of this project is to make it easier for people to host public rooms with Parsec, with lots of new features and moderation tools. It also uses an unofficial alternative to the now discontinued Parsec Arcade, called Soda Arcade.
This is an experimental version of Parsec Soda...expect bugs! Help development by reporting issues and contributing to the Discussions!
Still lost? Check out the beginner guide HERE!
Check out the comprehensive Wiki guide on how to use Smash Soda HERE!
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- Smash Bros Ultimate
Some new admin chat commands have been added for making hosting Smash easier. !bb will press everybody's B button twice...good when you're stuck the the match results screen!
- Ping Limit
This allows you to set a latency limit for your lobby. Those whose pings exceed the limit will be kicked automatically.
- Moderator System
Grant moderator permissions to users you trust in your lobbies. This will allow your mods to kick troublesome users and other admin tier commands.
- Hotseat
Hosting a single player game and people aren't sharing nicely? Well now you can set a hotseat timer...when the timer is up, it'll go down the guest list and swap them in to the gamepad 1 slot!
- Themes
Check out the new Midnight theme for Smash Soda or select from some presets!
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Would you like to contribute to the project? That's great! Here's what you do:
- Open a new issue reporting what you're going to do.
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch for your feature.
- Make your local changes.
- Submit a pull request.
I am working on this project as a hobby and an opportunity for me to learn more about working with C++. If you love Smash Soda, consider donating to FlavioFS for his amazing work on Parsec Soda!
Hey though, if you'd like to buy me a coffee, I won't say no!
for more information.
Project Link:
- [MickeyUK] - GitHub - Smash Soda Project Lead
- [FlavioFS] - GitHub - Original Parsec Soda Developer
- [v6000] - GitHub - Developer of Parsec Soda V, which Smash Soda is a derivative of
- [unuruu5760] - [GitHub] ( - Added the Keyboard Widget
- [MonaJava] - [GitHub] ( - Work on hotseat
- [8-Bit] - [GitHub] ( - Helps with the Smash Soda wiki
- [R3DPanda] - GitHub - Helped with some of the theme integration