Current Version: Beta 0.2 (beta-0.2) [The Power Update]
Game, in which you must destroy cars. You gain points for damaging Cars and coins for destroing cars fully. Your aim is not to allow cars to get out of the screen.
You can download and update game using launcher. Download latest version:
You can launch game without launcher, using included /start.bat or / file.
- Destroy cars by clicking on it.
- Any successful "attack" gives you points. The point count depends on map.
- You get coins for car destruction.
- You can improve your Coin Multiplier by getting more points.
- In game there are Powers, which would ease the game by adding some effects on map when used. To use power click RMB. To change power use mouse wheel. You can have max. 2 powers equipped at once, change these in Map Selection > Shop > Powers...
- You can also upgrade some Abilities like Damage, More Power Time or Less Power Cooldown. See Map Selection > Shop
- You cannot click at Bomb! It drops some negative effects such as Car Speed Increase.
- You can reset your game in Settings.
- In the (installation directory)/res/lang/ are more files with names of the language code. You can create new file and
- send at address
- create a pull request on Github.
- License: See license in LICENSE.
[todo] Repository: