Front end for the fill in the blanks card game.
This is a public repo for the refactoring of what can be played at The current version was thrown together during lockdown and had a fair amount of tech debt in it. I'm paying that back now with this pure VueJs version.
- Security warning as not hosted on https (especially with Brave browser)
- Brave browser attempts an https upgrade which results in error 404 page not found
- Node Version Manager (NVM)
git clone
npm install
npm run serve
- .env.development.local
- .env.production.local
NOTE: Values are not in quotes
* Do not keep these files in a Git repo
This project has a (WIP) suit of unit test using Jest
npm run test
npm run build
npm run deploy
Example file below, DO NOT include in a repo, especially a public on.
* Do not keep this file in a Git repo
var config = {
host: ``,
user: `your-server-username`,
password: `your-server-password`,
sourcePath: `${__dirname}/dist/`,
remotePath: `/htdocs`,
permissions: 755
exports.config = config;