The onstatic is static page hosting controller.
Start application from Releases or yourself.
go run cmd/server/main.go
Then, do register. Like this.
curl -X POST -H "X-ONSTATIC-KEY: onstaticonstaticonstatic" -H "X-ONSTATIC-REPONAME:" localhost:18888/register
And you can get SSH Public Key that register to Your git repository's access authentication.
Finally, do pull. Like this:
curl -v -X POST -H "X-ONSTATIC-KEY: onstaticonstaticonstatic" -H "X-ONSTATIC-REPONAME:" localhost:18888/pull
You can get hashed repository name. Try access localhost:18888/{Hashed Repository Name}/{your file path}
The plugin will run on another process. Even if your plugin has broken, it's no problem on onstatic itself. See plugins to understand implementations.
You need implement plugin.OnstaticPluginServer
on onstatic/plugin/plugin_grpc.pb.go and build it like this:
go build -o your_plugin_name your_plugin_dir/main.go;
Then, you need set binary file into .onstatic
dir on top of your repository. Like this:
- foobar_repository
- .onstatic
- foo
- bar
- other_dirs
- other_files
- more_other_files
onstatic will automatically load plugins and reflect to endpoints.
See conf/conf.go, onstatic/handler.go. You can customize it.