A (Neo)Vim plugin for dasht integration:
Search docsets for something you type:
" search related docsets nnoremap <Leader>k :Dasht<Space> " search ALL the docsets nnoremap <Leader><Leader>k :Dasht!<Space>
Search docsets for words under cursor:
" search related docsets nnoremap <silent> <Leader>K :call Dasht(dasht#cursor_search_terms())<Return> " search ALL the docsets nnoremap <silent> <Leader><Leader>K :call Dasht(dasht#cursor_search_terms(), '!')<Return>
Search docsets for your selected text:
" search related docsets vnoremap <silent> <Leader>K y:<C-U>call Dasht(getreg(0))<Return> " search ALL the docsets vnoremap <silent> <Leader><Leader>K y:<C-U>call Dasht(getreg(0), '!')<Return>
Specify related docsets for searching:
let g:dasht_filetype_docsets = {} " filetype => list of docset name regexp " For example: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ " When in Elixir, also search Erlang: let g:dasht_filetype_docsets['elixir'] = ['elixir', 'erlang'] " When in C++, also search C, Boost, and OpenGL: let g:dasht_filetype_docsets['cpp'] = ['cpp', '^c$', 'boost', 'OpenGL'] " When in Python, also search NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas: let g:dasht_filetype_docsets['python'] = ['python', '(num|sci)py', 'pandas'] " When in HTML, also search CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and jQuery: let g:dasht_filetype_docsets['html'] = ['html', 'css', 'js', 'bootstrap'] " When in Java, search Java SE11, but not JavaScript: let g:dasht_filetype_docsets['java'] = ['java_se11'] " and so on... }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Configure where results are displayed:
" create window below current one (default) let g:dasht_results_window = 'new' " create window beside current one let g:dasht_results_window = 'vnew' " use current window to show results let g:dasht_results_window = 'enew' " create panel at left-most edge let g:dasht_results_window = 'topleft vnew' " create panel at right-most edge let g:dasht_results_window = 'botright vnew' " create new tab beside current one let g:dasht_results_window = 'tabnew'
Developers can run the vim-vspec tests:
gem install bundler # first time
bundle install # first time
bundle exec vim-flavor test # every time
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Why? For 💕 ethics, the 🌎 environment, and 💪 health; see link above. 🙇
Copyright 2016 Suraj N. Kurapati https://github.com/sunaku
Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.