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Official implementation of LangCoop: Collaborative Driving with Natural Language

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This repo is the official implementation of "LangCoop: Collaborative Driving with Language".

Env Setup

We provide two options for setting up the environment:

  1. Step-by-step manual installation (recommended for Ubuntu 22.04, CUDA 11.6)
  2. Docker container (for easier setup across different hardware) - docker pull myopensource/langcoop:v1.0

Step 1: Basic Installation

Get code and create pytorch environment. (The code is best tested in Ubuntu 22.04, CUDA 11.6)

git clone
conda create --name LangCoop python=3.8 cmake=3.22.1
conda activate LangCoop
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install cudnn -c conda-forge

cd LangCoop
python -m pip install -r opencood/requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r simulation/requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r openemma_requirements.txt

#Install spconv
python -m pip install spconv-cu116

# Set up opencood
python develop
python opencood/utils/ build_ext --inplace  # Bbx IOU cuda version compile

# Install pypcd
cd .. # go to another folder
git clone
cd pypcd
python -m pip install python-lzf
python install
cd ..

# install efficientNet
python -m pip install efficientnet_pytorch==0.7.0

Step 2: Download and setup CARLA

Carla code is only tested in CARLA which requires python 3.7. So please open another environment with python 3.7 to install carla.

conda deactivate
conda create --name LangCoopCarla python=3.7
conda activate LangCoopCarla
python -m pip install setuptools==41
chmod +x simulation/
easy_install carla/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.10-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg
mkdir external_paths
ln -s ${PWD}/carla/ external_paths/carla_root
# If you already have a Carla, just create a soft link to external_paths/carla_root

Note: we choose the setuptools==41 to install because this version has the feature easy_install. After installing the carla.egg you can install the lastest setuptools to avoid No module named distutils_hack.

Step 3: Download the perception expert checkpoints

The checkpoint can be downloaded from: Hugging Face - LangCoopModel

Once downloaded, move the entire checkpoint folder v2xverse_late_multiclass_2025_01_28_08_49_56 to opencood/logs

How to config?

We support both local VLM deployment and API-based providers, as long as the requests are compatible with the OpenAI format.

Using API provider (e.g. OpenRouter)

step1: Add Your API key

replace your api key in vlmdrive/api_keys/api_key.txt


step2: Update the Model Config

Modify vlmdrive/vlm/hypes_yaml to match the api_base_url and api_model_name:

  type: VLMPlannerSpeedCurvature # options: VLMPlannerSpeedCurvature, VLMPlannerWaypoint, VLMPlannerControl
  name: api
  api_model_name: anthropic/claude-3.7-sonnet
  api_key: vlmdrive/api_key.txt

step3: Configure Heterogeneous Agents

Please prepare configuration files for each model you intend to use and place them in the vlmdrive/vlm/hypes_yaml directory. Each model requires a corresponding configuration file. You can refer to our template to create your own configurations.

Then, for example in vlmdrive/agent/hypes_yaml/speed_curvature_CoT_concise_image_intent_2agent_claude.yaml, list all the configured models under the heter section to specify the available heterogeneous models for testing.

    ego_num: 2                     # number of communicating drivable ego vehicles
    skip_frames: 4                 # frame gap before a new driving control signal is generated

        - "vlmdrive/hypes_yaml/api_vlm_drive_speed_curvature_qwen2.5-72b-awq.yaml"      # 0
        - "vlmdrive/hypes_yaml/api_vlm_drive_speed_curvature_qwen2.5-3b-awq.yaml"       # 1
        - "vlmdrive/hypes_yaml/api_vlm_drive_speed_curvature_qwen2.5-7b-awq.yaml"       # 2
        - "vlmdrive/vlm/hypes_yaml/waypoints.yaml"                                      # 3
    ego_planner_choice: [0, 0] # available indexes above

To properly configure heterogeneous agents:

  1. Set the correct number of ego vehicles ego_num.
  2. Add all available model configurations to the avail_heter_planner_configs list.
  3. Define the ego_planner_choice, where each index corresponds to an ego vehicle and specifies the model it adopts from avail_heter_planner_configs.

step4: Update the Evaluation Script

Modify scripts/ to ensure EGO_NUM is set correctly:

export EGO_NUM=2

Using Local Deployed Models

We use vLLM to deploy and run local models. Here are the detailed deployment steps:

step1: Environment Setup

First, create and configure the vLLM environment:

conda create -n vllm python=3.12 -y
conda activate vllm
git clone
cd vllm
VLLM_USE_PRECOMPILED=1 pip install --editable .

step2: Download Models

Create a model storage directory and download the required models:

mkdir vlm_models
huggingface-cli download Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-3B-Instruct-AWQ --local-dir vlm_models/Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-3B-Instruct-AWQ

step3: Start Services

You can choose to start services with different model sizes. Here are two examples:

Start 3B model:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server \
    --model Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-3B-Instruct-AWQ \
    --download-dir /other/vlm_models \
    --host \
    --port 8000 \
    --dtype float16 \
    --gpu-memory-utilization 0.7 \
    --max-model-len 8192 \

Start 7B model:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server \
    --model Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-7B-Instruct-AWQ \
    --download-dir /other/vlm_models \
    --host \
    --port 8001 \
    --dtype float16 \
    --gpu-memory-utilization 0.7 \
    --max-model-len 8192 \

step4: Configuration File Modification

When using locally deployed models, modify the configuration file LangCoop/vlmdrive/vlm/hypes_yaml/api_vlm_drive_speed_curvature_qwen2.5-3b-awq.yaml:

  api_model_name: Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-3B-Instruct-AWQ
  api_base_url: http://localhost:8000/v1
  api_key: dummy_key

step5: Test Service

You can test if the service is running properly using the following command:

curl http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "model": "Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-3B-Instruct-AWQ",
        "messages": [
            {"role": "user", "content": "Hello, how are you?"}
        "max_tokens": 100

Controller Config

We support three controllers:

  • VLMControllerControl
  • VLMControllerSpeedCurvature
  • VLMControllerWaypoint

Configurations are available in vlmdrive/controller/hypes_yaml.



Run close-loop evaluation

step1: launch Carla v0.9.10.1

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./external_paths/carla_root/ --world-port=20000 -prefer-nvidia

Ensure that the port matches the configuration in bash_files/testing/*.

step2(option): launch local VLLM

For heterogeneous testing, multiple VLLM services must be started, each on a different port. For example, ensure that the model’s port matches the configuration in vlmdrive/vlm/hypes_yaml/api_vlm_drive_speed_curvature_qwen2-2b-awq.yaml.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server \
    --model Qwen/Qwen2.5-VL-7B-Instruct-AWQ \
    --download-dir /other/vlm_models \
    --host \
    --port 8001 \ # different model should have different port
    --dtype float16 \
    --gpu-memory-utilization 0.7 \
    --max-model-len 8192 \

step3: run exp

bash bash_files/testing/

You can find logs and results under results/

Running with the Provided Docker Image

The code is located in ~/langcoop/. To ensure you have the latest version, pull updates or mount a fresh clone when launching the container. You can run CARLA and VLLM externally as long as the necessary ports are exposed.

Addtionally, ensure the shm-size is large (ideally matching system memory):

docker run myopensource/langcoop:v1.0 -it --shm-size=128g --network host 

For additional details, please refer to our documentation or open an issue in the repository.


We build our framework on top of V2XVerse, please refer to the repo


Official implementation of LangCoop: Collaborative Driving with Natural Language






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Contributors 3
