This Repository has the basic setup of a Django Project. Since setting and configuring a basic setup of a project by using Django is difficult. You can clone this repository for your project, and you can use it for your projects. This Repository is developed with a simplified coding style and file structure.
Project is created with:
- Bootstrap 5.3
- Python 3.10
- Django 4.0.4
- Authentication, Authorization.
- Overwritten Django admin module.
- Login and Sign up and Logout.
- A Dashboard and basic Navigation system.
- A good and Mobile friendly User Interface.
- Basic UI and UX.
- Theme Customizer.
- Bulk Import & Export data.
- Automation in Profile creation.
- Automatically Delete files/images from media which are unused.
- Highly documented with appropriate comment lines for easy understading of the code.
Follow these steps to make the project run locally:
Clone the repository.
git clone
Create a virtual environment.
python -m venv virtualenviron_name
Activate the environment.
Install Requirements from the Requirements.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once you installed the requirements, migrate the database.
python migrate
Once after migrating, create a superuser account.
python createsuperuser
Configurations on file
Step 1: Go to your Gmail and create an App.
Click Here to Refer the Documentation for the configuration.
Step 2: Go to Google could platform. Create an OAuth app.
Click Here to Refer the Documentation for the configuration.
Step 3: Go to Github. Create an OAuth app.
Click Here to Refer the Documentation for the configuration. -
Run the server locally on your system.
python runserver
Open your browser and type.
Note: Only on the localhost Social Authentication will work.
Licensed under the MIT License. Copyright © 2022 TS Tamarai Selvan Copy of the license.