A Simple C++ Starter Project Using CMake
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Continuous Integration
Libraries Included
- Full featured logger
- Assertion utilities compatible with the logger
- Instrumentation for profiling [compatible with chromium tracing]
- Platform detection utilities
- Documentation generation with Doxygen
- Unit testing with Catch2 and CTest
- CI with GitHub Actions
- Pre-compiled headers to improve build times
Project structure
├── .github # Repository stuff.
├── application # Application folder.
| ├── assets # Assets folder.
| ├── core # Core functionalities folder.
| | ├── logger.h # Logger utils.
| | ├── logger.cpp # Logger utils implementation.
| | └── platform_detection.h # Platform detection macros.
| ├── debug # Debug functionalities folder.
| | ├── assert.h # Assertion utils.
| | └── instrumentor.h # Profiling utils.
| ├── pch.hpp # Pre-compiled header.
| ├── config.h # Populated at config time.
| ├── config.h.in # Template for config.h.
| ├── main.cpp # Application entrypoint.
| └── CMakeLists.txt # Application CMake build script.
├── tests # Tests folder.
| ├── application # Application tests.
| | ├── CMakeLists.txt # Application tests CMake script.
| | └── never_fails.cpp # Application test file.
| └── CMakeLists.txt # Main CMake tests script.
├── vendor # Third-party packages will be here.
| ├── spdlog # Fast C++ logging library.
| └── catch2 # A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework.
└── CMakeLists.txt # Main CMake build script.
Toolset | Windows | Linux | MacOS |
GCC | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Clang | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
MSVC | ✔️ | ------- | ---------- |