Library and tools to inspect and transform FBX files.
- python >3.9
- cmake >3.19
- make >3.81 (checkout scoop for make on windows)
- c++17 compatible build environment
- windows 10
- macOS 10.15.*
Fetch repository and dependencies / submodules.
git clone --recursive
make clean build
Will configure and setup cmake build script generation in 'Release' mode, create a python virtual environment, install dependencies, build the dependencies, build pybind wrapper modules and verwandlung tools.
After building the dependencies and libraries, the build script will create wheel (.whl) distribution packages. The will be put into 'build/src/python_smallfbx/package/dist' on macOS, or 'build/src/python_smallfbx/{Release,Debug}package/dist' (depending on your build profile) respectivly.
Checkout the instructions in etc/fbx/zophrac-9fea6ffd67b840cb970f5b4570794709.fbx on how to obtain the FBX used in the tests.
make test
Will install python packages from build directory in virtual environment and run the test scripts.
Command line tool, to extract animation curves for blendshapes and bone animations to json (meta)data files, so it may be used with LLV.
Python binding (via pybind11) to the FBX management library SmallFBX by i-saint.
Python binding (via pybind11) for the wandel tool.
Coming soon ...
Coming soon ...
- Verwandlung (Copyright (C) blurryroots innovation qanat OÜ)