The GitHub Actions extension lets you manage your workflows, view the workflow run history, and edit GitHub secrets.

This extension mainly serves to provide a quick way to see the GitHub Actions for your open solution if identified as a repo. To view these, either right click on the solution or project in Solution Explorer and click "GitHub Actions" from the menu:
If an active solution exists and it is both a git and repository, the window will start querying the repository for Actions information on runs and secrets. A progress bar will be shown then you can expand to see the results.
To view the history simply select a run and navigate through the tree view to see details. You can double-click on a leaf node to launch to the log point on the repo to view the rich log output.
If you close and open a new project the window will be refreshed to represent the current state.
Based on your settings you can enable 'polling' of active running workflows that are not in the completed
status. This will refresh the Current Branch workflow runs until the state is completed.
By default a maximum of last 10 runs are retrieved. You can change this in the Tools...Options
of Visual Studio and set an integer value.
If your Workflows enable a dispatch capability you can trigger to run a workflow directly from Visual Studio:
You can manually refresh the view by clicking the refresh icon in the toolbar:
The limitation currently is this lists and enables editing of Repository-level secrets (not org or deployment environments yet).
To add a secret right-click on the Repository Secrets node and select Add Secret
This will launch a modal dialog to add the repository secret. This is the same for edit (right-click on an existing secret) which will enable you to edit an existing one or delete.
David Pine 💻 📖 |
Tim Heuer 💻 📖 |
Ivan Zlatanov 💻 |
Visual Studio 2022 17.6 or later is required to use this extension. Additionally since GitHub Actions is obviously a feature of GitHub, you will need to be attached to an active repository.
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