This is a web app for tracking integer factorization progress.
- start factoring from specially selected number sequences (numbers table)
- track intermediate factor results for larger factors (factors table)
- organize numbers into a tree structure of categories and tables
- view and browse information of stored numbers and factorizations
- user accounts (requiring manual creation)
- factor submission (both logged in and anonymously)
- admin interface for editing many parts of the database
- admin scripts for (partial) factoring and primality proving
The following versions were used for development. Other versions should work but compatibility has not been evaluated yet. Development and production are currently using Ubuntu 24.04
- Python (3.12)
- Quart (0.19)
- PostgreSQL (16)
- Psycopg (3.2.3)
- Gmpy2 (2.2.1)
- requires libgmp-dev package (ubuntu)
- CyPari2 (2.2.0)
- requires libpari-dev package (ubuntu)
- Requests (2.32.3)
- Tqdm (4.67.1)
Setup instructions after cloning the repository assume commands are run at the repository root unless otherwise stated. File paths are given relative to the repository root unless otherwise stated.
Recommendations for a production instance
- create a separate linux user for factor database
- use a linux service for production (see fdb.service for an example)
- setup automatic database backups
Clone repository
git clone
Install the python packages in requirements.txt
Get Mathjax
- get mathjax and put it at
- available at
Sample database
- TODO organize into small and large samples for different purposes
- for development testing
- run
- includes administrator account
with passwordadmin
- includes regular user account
with passworduser
Production setup
- setup a postgres database and user account
- create database tables with
- create
, seesample/config.json
for an example - create user account(s) with python terminal
import app.database as db
db.createUser('username','email@domain.tld','password','First Last')
- for development run
directly - for production run
hypercorn main:app
TODO needs instructions
- periodically clearing old rows from the logs table
- TODO make log viewing/clearing an option on an admin page
- adding new numbers to database (TODO do this properly without prefactoring)
- proving primality of probable primes (TODO script for this needs work)
- changing status of unknown numbers (TODO no script for this yet)
- functions for cleaning up other database data
- remove unreferenced primes/numbers
- remove old factorizations (without the smallest prime factor)
- make factors under 2^64 go straight to small primes storage data
- do not create factor ids for small factors
- require that submitted factors under 2^64 are prime
- make number page link all factors including old ones
- make factor page link to numbers it divides
- also other factors it divides
- add a "factored" status on factor pages
- add account button to close all other sessions
- attempt to submit new factors to
- icons for category/table instead of the text in parenthesis
- folder for categories
- some kind of list/table for tables
- basic info/description on production
- store in /numbers scripts and jinja templates for certain types
- near repdigit repunit related formulas script
- use column names instead of
in sql queries - caching for pages that take a lot of querties, particularly the factor tables
- setup a python virtual environment as part of the repo
- requires at least python3.12
- include a requirements.txt
- implement an api
- some possible routes below
- choose get/post where appropriate
- /api/get_number (get, by id or value)
- /api/get_factor (get, by id or value)
- /api/submit_factors (post)
- /api/list_category (get)
- look at time limits for quart routes to avoid an infinite loop bug
- look at query planner for various queries in
- support compression for submission data (and possibly other data)
- make factor page show numbers and factors containing it as a factor
- find a better way to update factors with few operations
- function for removing small factors (64 bit) from the database
- setup more proper testing (quart: app.test_request_context)
- setup database triggers if they make sense anywhere
- organize sample databases into a few different options
- small (possibly with no numbers)
- large (with similarities to production)
- add some more complete factorization data from
- contribution details
- number reservation system
- configurable limit per user
- stats page (make
- recent page (make
- ecm progress
- estimate smallest factor size
- ecm progress can be removed once factored
- ecm progress is inherited to composite cofactors
- factoring time estimates
- experimentally measure ECM runtime and probability of finding factors
- optimize ECM parameter selection to find factors efficiently
- experimentally measure runtime for SNFS/GNFS
- find SNFS polynomials and compare estimated SNFS/GNFS runtime