This is an infinite runner game made with phaserJS and compiled with Webpack. Testing is done with jestJS. The name of the game was inspired by a movie of the same name. The Maze Runner is a 2014 American dystopian science fiction film directed by Wes Ball, in his directorial debut, based on James Dashner's 2009 novel of the same name. Don't look for a maze in this game though, you won't find one! Haha...
The aim of the game is to collect as many gold pieces as possible in sixty seconds while avoiding falling into the flames. All gold pieces can be found on platforms which you can jump up to by hitting the "W" button - Player can jump once, twice, or thrice consecutively.
More gold pieces are found on the highest platforms, so the player is encouraged to spend as much time as possible running and jumping on the high-up platforms and is penalized in lost earnings if they fall to the ground.
Explain what your initial objectives for the project were (at the end of the day 2) and which ones you did (or did not) achieve and why
In the Game Design Document I created on the second day of this 5-day project, I laid out an "Emotional Experience" which described how I would like the player to feel. To paraphrase from that section and others from the same document:
- The player feels engaged, consistently interested, but never stressed.
- The game is not predictable or boring, but neither does it punish the player arbitrarily. The player is rewarded for skill and for paying close attention to the dependable rules and physics of the game.
- The design prioritises consistency and attractiveness over complexity/realism.
- The sound of the game is not just a repetitive feature that becomes irritating. All sounds and music must contribute positively to the gameplay and experience of the game.
- The game does not emphasise changes in surface-level appearance that only serve to distract the player from the game itself. Players don't enjoy being needlessly distracted by features which are irrelevant to the gameplay.
An endless runner game, where a player hops from platform to platform collecting coins for as long as:
- The player does not fall off the platform.
- The player does not enter the flames.
--- Movement The player can only jump two times. Press the 'W' key twice to double jump.
-- Scores The player can increase his score by collecting coins.
--- Game Over The total number of coins collected. An Input field to collect player names and save the player score.
-- Future additions
In the future, I will try to add more coins with varying values. I will also try to add game speed to increase difficulty.
Since the game's dependencies are managed by npm, you must have node.js installed on your computer before following these set-up instructions. If you don't yet have node.js installed, you can choose a download method here.
To set this project up locally, follow these simple instructions:
Open a Terminal and navigate to the location in your system where you would like to download the project. New to Terminal? Learn here.
Enter the following line of code to clone this repository:
git clone
Now that the repository has been cloned, navigate inside it using
cd Maze-Runner
. -
The project's dependencies are managed by npm. The details of this project's dependencies can be found in
To install them, enter the following line of code in the Terminal.
npm install
- Congratulations! All necessary files have been installed. To view the website, you can use the project's preconfigured npm script. Simply enter:
npm run start
. (This will bundle all relevant code into a singlebuild/bundle.min.js
file and then set up a local server to run the index.html file).
Contents |
| Live Demo | | Screenshot | | Built With | | Contributing | | Testing | | Authors | | License |
- Fork the project
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b awesome-feature
- Commit your changes
git commit -m 'Awesome feature'
- Push it
git push -u origin awesome-feature
- Open a pull request using this branch
This project's tests were created with Jest. Once the project's dependencies have been installed (see Setup Instructions above), Jest will be available. However, the Jest Command Line Interface is only available if Jest is intalled globally:
- Run
npm install jest --global
to make Jest globally available.
Once again, the project includes a handy script to run those tests for you:
- Now you can run
npm run test
or simplyjest
to run the project's tests.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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