This repository houses the source code for Lavender, Upryzing's web app, built with Solid.js.
Before contributing, make yourself familiar with our contribution guidelines, the code style guidelines, and the technical documentation for this project.
Before getting started, you'll want to install:
- Git,
- Node.js (v18+), and
- pnpm (run
corepack enable
Then proceed to setup:
# clone the repository
git clone --recursive lavender
cd lavender
# update submodules if you pull new changes
# git submodule init && git submodule update
# install all packages
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
# build deps:
pnpm build:deps
# ...or build a specific dep (e.g. @upryzing/upryzing.js updates):
# pnpm --filter @upryzing/upryzing.js run build
# run dev server
pnpm dev:web
Finally, navigate to
To make it easier to work with uprzying.js
, you may want to temporarily make this change:
# packages/uprzying.js/package.json
- "module": "lib/esm/index.js",
+ "module": "src/index.ts",
Any edits to the uprzying.js
codebase will immediately be reflected while developing.
# install packages
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
# build dependencies
pnpm build:deps
# build for web
pnpm build:web
# ... when building for production, use this instead of :web
pnpm build:prod
You can now deploy the directory packages/client/dist
The app currently needs the following routes:
This corresponds to Content.tsx#L33.