wpwmm4(1) -- Web Page With Make and M4 - generate static web pages
Simple use the make command. The Makefile is compatible with FreeBSD's and NetBSD's make. On Linux should install bmake package.
With wpwmm4 can create static web pages from m4 files. The generating is done by make. You can use external scripts or commands.
- make (BSD's make, use bmake package of your distro)
- m4 (compatible with BSD's m4 and GNU's m4 too)
- some knowledge about HTML and programming
- incremental build (with make)
- automatically generated pages (similar webpage with different content)
- layouts
- expandable, programmable via m4 or can insert output of any program
- convert items of ${TARGETS}: ${SRC_DIR}/*.m4 -> ${DEST_DIR}/*.html
- create items of ${TARGETS_MANUAL}: use own programs, scripts
- create items of ${VIRTUALS}: use templates from ${VIRT_DIR}
- can call scripts from scripts/ directory and use their outputs
You should create a config.mk file in a directory and set the following variables inside this file. You can use .include in your config.mk of course.
COMMON_DIR: Where the 00_defines.m4 is. Commonly is the same directory as Makefile.
INCLUDE_DIR: The directory where the user-based includes m4 are. It's relative to the main source directory.
SRC_DIR: This variable points to the source directory where the source files (usually *.m4) are. It can contain subdirectories.
ASSETS_DIR: In this directory are the static files (*.css, *.js, etc.).
ASSETS_DEST_DIR: The target directory of static files. If you want inside ${DEST_DIR} should include it into this variable.
ASSETS_CP: The command who will copy the ${ASSETS_DIR}. Default is @cp -r.
DEST_DIR: The compiled (created) HTML's place. The subdirectory tree of ${SRC_DIR} is created in this directory by make.
FLAG_DIR: The directory where the flags are. Flags are simple files which store information about building. There is only one flag: ${FLAG_MKDIR} which signs the time when the directory structure is created in ${DEST_DIR} and stores the list of created directories. You can add plus depend via ${MKDIR_REQ} - so can re-build the directory structure after this file changed.
LAYOUT_DIR: Here are the layouts.
VIRT_DIR: This directory contains the templates of virtual pages.
TARGETS: The space-seperated list of static files (virtual pages aren't included) what should create. Don't include the ${DEST_DIR} because it's included by the building system. You can use directories of course. Its automated requirement is the same file in ${SRC_DIR} replacing html extension to m4 extension.
TARGETS_MANUAL: The space-seperated list of static files what should create. Don't include the ${DEST_DIR} because it's included by the building system. These targets don't have automatically generated requirement as the ${TARGETS} above.
GREQ: Global requirement. It's needed by every target. Default is empty.
foo.html_REQ: Additional requirements of foo.html which is included in ${TARGETS} variable (see above). The foo.m4 is automatically added. These variables are optional.
M4: The m4 command. In most cases can set simply to m4 (in PATH). This variable is optional, default value is m4
M4_PARAMS: Parameters of m4 command. The default value is -P -I include -D_SRC_DIR=${SRC_DIR}. Please note that option -P is neccessary because we use builtin macros with m4_ prefix.
The following variables are created dynamically during building and you can use them in your m4 sources and templates.
_DIRECTORY: The target directory inside ${DEST_DIR} (without ${DEST_DIR} prefix). The root of ${DEST_DIR} is "." (dot).
_FILE: The target filename which is under generating (without any extension).
The system ships some helpers which you can use in your files. They are defined in 00_defines.m4. Here is the list of helpers:
_BODY(content,options): Produces <body $options>$content</body>.
_CHARSET(charset): Produces <meta charset="$charset">.
_CLASS(class1,class2,...): Produces class="$class1 $class2 ...".
_CSS(cssfile): Produces <link rel="stylesheet" href=$cssfile>.
_DIV(class,content,options): Produces <div class=$class $options>$content</div>.
_HEAD(options,content): Produces <head $options>$content</head>.
_HREF(url,text,options,title): Produces <a href=$url $options title=$title>text</a>.
_META(parameters): Produces <meta $parameters>.
_OL(parameters): Produces ordered list <ol><li>$1</li><li>$2</li>...</ol>. You can specify the items in parameter list, separated by comma. Be careful about quoting!
_STAG(tagname,parameters): Produces <$tagname $parameters>.
_TAG(tagname,content,options): Produces <$tagname $options>$content</$tagname>.
_TITLE(title,options): Produces <title $options>$title</title>.
_UL(parameters): Same as _OL.
The virtual pages haven't source (m4) files. It's useful when you want create similar pages with similar content (for example listing of PDF files, listing images, ...).
You should create groups of VIRTUALS (you can add only ONE virtual to a group). You can do it with the following variables:
VIRTUALS: Contains the name of the categories. E.g. VIRTUALS=cat1 cat2. The categories is separated by a space character.
VIRTUALTEMPLATE_*: You can set (following the example above) VIRTUALTEMPLATE_cat1 and VIRTUALTEMPLATE_cat2 variables. Their values say which template should use to generate the virtual pages. The templates are stored in VIRT_DIR directory. In your template files you can use dynamically created variables, see [Variables inside sources][] section below.
VIRTUALDIR_*: This variable points to the target directory where the generated pages should appear. You have to set every category, so you have to set VIRTUALDIR_cat1 and VIRTUALDIR_cat2 too.
VIRTUALOUT_*: The output filenames. For example VIRTUAL_cat1=foo1.html foo2.html. In this case you will have ${VIRTUALDIR_cat1}/foo1.html and ${VIRTUALDIR_cat1}/foo2.html.
VIRTUALREQ_*: Additional requirements to the virtual category. The ${VIRTUALTEMPLATE_*}.m4 is added automatically.
VIRTUALREQRULE_*: A simple transformation rule to define a requirement by file. The transformation rule is applied on the elements of ${VIRTUALOUT_*} variables. For example VIRTUALREQ_foo=C,.html,.dat, rule will transform every .html extension into .dat extension: the ${DESTDIR}/foodir/bar.html will depend on foodir/bar.dat file. Please note that the value of **${VIRTUALDIR_*} isn't included automatically so if you want it you should do it! Be careful about recursive dependencies! See the possible modifiers in the manual of make(1)!
You can define hooks which run at specified event. You can use the ${.TARGET} macro in the definition because make will expand this variable when it needed (and not in definition). If you don't want view the command should prefix with @ sign.
HOOK_PRE_HTML: It runs before generating a html file from a m4 file. Default value is ${MSG1} Building ${.TARGET}.
HOOK_POST_HTML: It runs after generating a html file from a m4 file. Default value is empty. This hook is useful for example if you want check the validity of HTML file (e.g. with tidy, see http://www.html-tidy.org/).
HOOK_PRE_VHTML: It runs before generating a html file from virtual template (see [Virtuals][] above). The default value is ${MSG1} Building virtual ${.TARGET}.
HOOK_POST_VHTML: It runs after generating a html file from virtual template. Default value is empty.
You can define some special targets in your **config.mk'.
pre-everything: This target will execute before any other target (except clean of course). For example you can run a script which creates some files, even a file what is used in wpwmm4. With this target can emulate the tags feature (using [Virtuals][] feature). Another idea is automatically generate the ${TARGETS} variable (with the find command).
clean-other: When you run clean target (which deletes everything in ${DEST_DIR} directory) it will run too.
There are some special targets to help debug your config.
show-config: Show the main variables.
show-hooks: Show the hooks.
show-targets: Show the targets (including virtual targets).
show-req: Show the targets with their requirements. The target begins a line without any whitespace, the requirements are prefixed by two spaces. Between the latest requirement and the next target is an empty line inserted.
show-virtuals: This target will show the defined virtuals and their configs.
There are some variables you can use and set in your m4 files.
- LANG: The document's language. It is used by _PR_ALL to create the main html tag with lang property.
There are some commands which can help. They are defined in 00_defines.m4. Here is the list:
_SCRIPT(command): Executes $command and paste its output ( stdout and stderr too). It uses the m4's esyscmd macro.
_LAYOUT(layout,VarName1,Var1,VarName2,Var2,...): Load the $layout layout. It uses m4's include macro. You can define the web page layout at the beginning of source file. This command will assign the variables VarName1, VarName2,... with values Var1, Var2.
_LAYOUT_PRE(pre): The $pre is printed before the included content.
_LAYOUT_POST(post): The $post is printed after the included content.
_INCL(file): Includes the $file. The divert is -1 so this macro doesn't produce any output. It's ideal to load a file with macro definitions.
_2_BODY(text): The $text will into the body tag. This macro collects all inputs and doesn't print anything. With _PR_BODY can print (and clear) the content.
_2_HEAD(text): Same as _2_BODY but it collects into head tag.
_PR_BODY: Print and reset the content collected by _2_BODY. It's a simple undivert macro.
_PR_HEAD: Similar as _PR_BODY.
_PR_ALL: It prints <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="LANG">, calls _PR_HEAD and _PR_BODY and after it closes the html tag.
- use of !=: You can use != in TARGETS assingment (run a shell command and its output will the value). In this case you shouldn't add every file, you can use the find command (for example). Of course can use with other variables.
A generated example is my personal homepage (in hungarian): http://uzsolt.hu/ and its source file are at https://svn.uzsolt.hu/uzsolt.hu/wpwmm4-uzsolt.hu/ and a github mirror: https://github.com/uzsolt/wpwmm4-uzsolt.hu.
It's a simple complicated example but it demonstrates the power of wpwmm4 :) It has
- a multi-level menu (without JS)
- galleries (inside "Képek"), with automatically-generated sprite (a big picture in thumbnail, and shows only a part of this picutre - reduce the number of requests so faster page loading)!
- pdf items (inside "Oktatás") with "tags"
- notes or blog entries (inside "Feljegyzések")
- automatically generates LaTeX-samples (inside "Feljegyzések"/"LaTeX")
m4(1), make(1)
Zsolt Udvari (uzsolt@uzsolt.hu, www.uzsolt.hu)