This project is a Python script that monitors an RTSP stream from a camera for motion detection. When motion is detected, it sends an SMS alert using the Twilio API. The script processes the video stream in real-time using OpenCV and detects motion by comparing the current frame with the previous one.
This script is designed to monitor a live RTSP video stream from a camera and detect any motion. Upon detecting motion, it sends an SMS notification to a specified phone number using Twilio. This setup is ideal for security systems where real-time alerts are crucial. The script captures video frames, processes them to identify motion, and alerts the user by drawing a bounding box around the detected motion and sending an SMS.
- RTSP Stream Monitoring: Connects to an RTSP camera stream for real-time video feed.
- Motion Detection: Uses frame differencing to detect motion.
- SMS Alerts: Sends an SMS alert via Twilio when motion is detected.
- Real-time Video Display: Shows the video feed and motion detection status in real-time.
1.Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Hik-vision-cctv-camera-alert-with-python-using-twilio
2.Install Required libraries
pip install opencv-python twilio
3.Configure Twilio credientials
4.Run the script