This is a native iOS app for SpreeCommerce.
The backend used for this app is hosted at:
- Homepage showing all the banners
- Products list and grid view
- Product Details (with variants)
- Cart Management
- User Sign-In & Sign-Up
- User Address Management
- User Orders List
- User Cards List
- User Profile Management
- Clone the project.
- Install the required dependencies.
cd shopSpree-iOS && pod install
- Open the project in XCode.
open -a Xcode SpreeiOS.xcworkspace
- Run the project in XCode using
- Swift - 3.0
- XCode - 8.0
- CocoaPods - 1.1.0
- The product images are not cached right now.
- WIP - Product reviews and ratings
- Product Searching
- Product Filtering & Sorting
- Taxonomies View
- Social Sign-In & Sign-Up
- Credit Card Management (using Stripe)
- Product Wishlist
- Remote Push Notifications
- and many more...
The project is open sourced under MIT License.
Please create an issue in Github or submit a Pull Request.