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Spring-boot Docker example

Build Status Codacy Badge DockerHub

This is Spring-boot tomcat docker example,

Build docker image

docker build -t vinston/spring-boot-tomcat .

Run Docker image

docker run -P -d --name spring-boot-tomcat vinston/spring-boot-tomcat

New Features!

  • Play 2.4’s AES encryption now uses initialization vectors to randomize each encryption.
  • The Play encryption format has been changed to add support for initialization vectors.

You can also:

  • Download and Use the GitHub project for your learning purpose
  • Refer Play2 Site for more info: Play2 Crypto


Play2 Built-in Java Cryptographic Example uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • Play Framework - Play Framework makes it easy to build web applications with Java & Scala. Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture
  • [AngularJS] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
  • [Gulp] - the streaming build system


This example required the following tools to run

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ mkdir examples
$ cd examples
$ git clone ssh://
$ cd scalaplay2aesexample
$ sbt run
$ cd examples/app/website
$ npm install -d
$ node app


For using the play2 we need to generate the private key. Use and run the following steps to create the private key and copy paste the play2 application.conf file

  • Ex: play.crypto.secret="jhc_GPt:=uhJJYjEI00`5RkoB9C6kotmqb3iM9CVE]9jq:3t]>oOK2;MSzxmg?Uy"
$ sbt playGenerateSecret


$ sbt play-generate-secret

For production environments...

$ npm install --production
$ npm run predeploy
$ NODE_ENV=production node app


Use IntelliJ scala editor tool to develop the application, it is sweet and elagant way of development friendly tool.

  • Use Git to download the project
  • And use Scala Play SBT plugin to run the project

Use the following REST end point to test the AES crypto

CURL Example:

$ curl --request GET ''
$ curl --request GET '<ENCRYPTED _TEXT>'
$ curl --request GET ''
$ curl --request GET '<ENCRYPTED _TEXT>'

Running Test Spec

$ cd scalaplay2aesexample
$ sbt test

Building for source

For production release:

$ sbt build --prod



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