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tools: support // vtest build: !do_not_test ?, // vtest build: !windows && tinyc to skip files during testing on specific platforms, without having to keep centralised skip lists #10016

tools: support // vtest build: !do_not_test ?, // vtest build: !windows && tinyc to skip files during testing on specific platforms, without having to keep centralised skip lists

tools: support // vtest build: !do_not_test ?, // vtest build: !windows && tinyc to skip files during testing on specific platforms, without having to keep centralised skip lists #10016

Workflow file for this run

name: CI macOS
- '**.md'
- '**.yml'
- '!**/macos_ci.yml'
- 'cmd/tools/**'
- '!cmd/tools/builders/**.v'
- '**.md'
- '**.yml'
- '!**/macos_ci.yml'
- 'cmd/tools/**'
- '!cmd/tools/builders/**.v'
group: macos-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && github.sha || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
os: [macos-14]
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
timeout-minutes: 121
VFLAGS: -cc clang
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Build V
run: make -j4 && ./v symlink
- name: Test symlink
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh test_symlink
- name: v doctor
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh v_doctor
- name: Test cross compilation to Linux
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh test_cross_compilation
- name: Build V with -cstrict
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_with_cstrict
- name: All code is formatted
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh all_code_is_formatted
- name: Run sanitizers
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh run_sanitizers
- name: Build V using V
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_using_v
- name: Verify `v test` works
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh verify_v_test_works
- name: Install iconv for encoding.iconv
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh install_iconv
- name: Test pure V math module
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh test_pure_v_math_module
- name: Self tests
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh self_tests
- name: Build examples
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_examples
- name: Build tetris with -autofree
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_tetris_autofree
- name: Build blog tutorial with -autofree
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_blog_autofree
- name: Build examples with -prod
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_examples_prod
- name: Build examples with V build with tcc
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh build_examples_v_compiled_with_tcc
## - name: V self compilation with -usecache
## run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh v_self_compilation_usecache
- name: V self compilation with -parallel-cc
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh v_self_compilation_parallel_cc
- name: Test password input
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh test_password_input
- name: Test readline
run: v run ci/macos_ci.vsh test_readline